Four year old kinder program

Across all of our four year old kinder programs we have been exploring similar themes, along with our weekly PMP and library sessions we have been learning about Indigenous culture through art, stories, watching animations and using representations of Bunjil and Wah in play. 

Learning about Indigenous culture is an important part of our program here at our service. Every day in both 3 and 4 year old kinder we begin the day by saying an acknowledgement and singing this song... 

"care for country, care for country, love our land, love our land. Birds, trees and animals, people of all backgrounds, together we stand, hand in hand"

We discuss what these messages mean in terms of caring for ourselves, for each other and for the kinder environment.

Harmony day inspired us to celebrate the diversity that exists in our kindergarten, we talked about all the ways we are different and all of the many ways we are the same. Children very much enjoyed creating their own family portraits and talking about their family with us.

Autumn is beginning and the changing colours are being incorporated into our art and discussions of the changing seasons. 

We are so happy to see our four year old kindergarten children settled in at the end of a very busy term one, exploring their social connections and their own interests through ply. We look forward to continuing to grow and develop in term two.