Three year old kinder program

Yay, it is wonderful to see the three-year-old children slowly relaxing into the kinder program and routines. Most children have cheerfully left their grownups and most grownups have successfully left their children without crying. This month we have focused on encouraging the children to separate happily from their families, to feel comfortable and secure in the kindergarten environment, and to feel a sense of belonging within their kindergarten groups by beginning to form friendships and relationships with the staff and their peers. To help us achieve these objectives we have provided the children with fun, full group experiences such as parachute play and pair songs such as row, row, row, your boat. 

Lots of the activities at this time of year have focused on visual recognition such as colour mixing, coloured shell sorting and teddy bear patterning. As children develop their visual recognition skills, they can sort pictures, objects, colours, shapes and symbols. Children learn about mathematical concepts such as repeated patterns, size, sequencing, number recognition, counting and spatial relations. Sorting and grouping are important scientific elements. An understanding of grouping is also essential for later mathematical equations. 

At the end of each session we reflect on what the children have learnt in the program. We also consider what the children need and would benefit from in the following program and record any changes that have been made. This program is available to all parents every session and is located on the windows for Red group and on our program wall for Green group, we also email these out to you every fortnight. 

Reading this is a great way to keep up with what your child has been doing at kinder and can often give you an insight into what they are talking about when they get home. If you have any ideas or suggestions for our program we would love to hear from you.   


Emergency Evacuation Practices

All of our three and four year old kinder groups have now done their first emergency evacuation practices. This involved introducing children to our procedures for emergency situations where we may need to evacuate the kindergarten and assemble at the Warrawee Park oval. Two of our groups were attending on the day of the whole school emergency practice which is always a fantastic way to feel a part of the wider school community. Each term we will practice our emergency procedures so that children and staff are comfortable with the process.