Whole School

GATE News 

Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize

Sponsored by the University of Sydney, this competition allows primary and secondary aged students to look at aspects of science through the camera lens. This year the theme is ‘BIG’ with students encouraged to use this idea as a catalyst to then focus on a ‘scientific concept, discovery, invention or your own scientific hypothesis’. Films are to be no longer than two minutes in duration. Further information, including details of prizes, can be found at https://australian.museum/get-involved/eureka-prizes/sleek-geeks-science/

The competition closes Friday 28 May 2021.


Ms Angelina Ross | Learning Enrichment Coordinator (GATE)

Mental Health First Aid Training

Year Ten Teen MHFA Training 

This was completed in Term One and the Certificates of Completion for our Year Ten students will be distributed very soon via Health Education classes. 


Year Eight Teen MHFA

Great Southern Grammar is conducting teen MHFA training for the Year Eight students this term. This training gives teenagers the skills they need to recognise and help their peers/friends with mental health problems/crises, and to get the help of an adult quickly. Teen MHFA is part of the Year Eight Health curriculum, managed by Mr Paul Donaldson who has ensured that the content of the MHFA course compliments and echoes the wider Health and Physical Education course which your child will participate in this year. 


As an instructor, I have extensive experience across four decades as an educator, counsellor and trainer, having been fortunate to have worked in rural, remote and urban schools in Queensland and Western Australia. I am an accredited teen MHFA trainer and Youth MHFA trainer (for adults who work with adolescents – see below for imminent training opportunity), and am motivated by the aims of the MHFA programmes: to reduce stigma around mental health problems and to increase and normalise help seeking. 


Students are also eligible for their Certificate of Completion. The pastoral teams of Year Eight students at GSG include homeroom teachers, Head of Year - Mr Tompkin, trusted adults such as other teachers and coaches. 


Many of our staff have completed the Youth Mental Health First Aid Course, which assists staff in providing support for young people.  The list of these YMHFAiders is glued into the inside cover of the manual which students take home at the end of the course.


MHFA course Information:

Microsoft Word - 7 - 9 Information for students.docx (mhfa.com.au)

Microsoft Word - 7 - 9 Information for parents for editing.docx (mhfa.com.au)

Youth MHFA Training for GSG Community Members 

When: Sat 8 May, Sun 16 May, Sat 22 May

Register: Email sheryl.moncur@gsg.wa.edu.au


This 14 hour course is for adults who parent, care, foster, coach, train and participate in the lives of young people. There will be three sessions of approx. 4.5 hrs each commencing at 12.30pm on each of the training days. The content covered includes adolescent development, the latest statistics and facts on five mental health disorders/problems and the ALGEE action plan which equips us to manage situations of crisis and ongoing mental health problems in the young people we care for. There will be a cost of $25 per individual or if two members from the same family attend the cost would be reduced to $40 for both. Payment methods will be explained via group email once I have numbers. Optimal group numbers can range from 8 – 20 which would be suitable for me to present. Also, if you wish to learn more about this you can find some info here.


If you are interested in knowing more about MHFA or if you would like to learn about the benefits of mindfulness please email sheryl.moncur@gsg.wa.edu.au


Mindful in May 

You may have heard of the initiative Mindful in May or MIM which you can further investigate here MIM 2021 - Mindful In May 


In times like these, we really can't afford to lose our mind. Spend a month training your mind and step into greater calm. Mindful in May is the world’s largest online mindfulness fundraising campaign. The idea behind it is simple: we provide education, tools and support so you can build a sustainable meditation practice to become mentally fit in one month. Research shows it only takes 10 minutes of meditation a day to see significant positive benefits to your life. And as you strengthen your mind, you can also opt to better the world by raising funds to bring clean, safe drinking water to those who most need it.


You would no doubt be aware that there is vast research which espouses the health benefits of regular mindfulness practice; stronger immune system, better sleep, greater focus and concentration, less reactive and more responsive behaviours, deeper understanding of our brain and its development. The benefits of this mode of brain training may enhance our mental health and how we manage challenges. Being emotionally agile or psychological flexible is a skill which can be reinforced by regular practice of mindfulness, and our ability to pivot, to consider, to pause before we react to a stimulus serves us well in our family, social and workplace relationships/situations. The boarding community at GSG have downloaded the Smiling Mind app as well as ReachOut Breathe. There are also other great apps to use such as Calm and Headspace, both of which are free to download.


Ms Sheryl Moncur | School Counsellor