Senior School news

Senior School Executive 2019 - Year 12 representatives
We would like to announce that the following Year 11 students have been elected to the Senior School Executive for 2019.
Eliza Sparwell Noah Sutherland
Jane Nguyen Marco Bellemo
Congratulations to these students and many thanks to the excellent students who also applied. There will be many opportunities for all students to act as leaders in 2019.
Marco and Noah have also been elected as School Captains and have the additional roles of representing the school.
The selection process for the Year 11 representatives on the Senior School executive 2019 is currently being decided. Stay tuned for that announcement.
Unit 3/4 VCE Exams started on Wednesday 31st October with the English and EAL exams. These exams will continue until Wednesday 21st November with the Italian and Chinese second language exam.
We wish all the Unit 3/4 students good luck, and a reminder to talk to the Senior School if you have any questions.
Year 12 Formal is on Thursday 22nd November, and we are looking forward to seeing students there for their final get-together. It already seems like a long time ago that the cohort enjoyed their final BBQ and dress-up celebration before bunkering down for the exams.
Year 11 Exams are starting on Friday 23rd November and finish on Friday 30th November. The timetable will be out on Friday 9th November.
After the exams we have some very important dates for 2019 Year 12 students.
- Monday 3rd December - Course confirmation
- Friday 7th December (P3 – 5), Monday 10th December (P1 – 3) - Unit 2 exam feedback sessions
- Wednesday 12th December – Friday 14th December - Year 12 Orientation