Community notices

Youth Mental Health Forum
Supporting public schools - NESSA parent group
The Northcote Electorate State School Alliance (NESSA) has been formed by a group of concerned parents, to lobby for school building funding.
A number of Northcote High School community members are already involved, and we’d love more of our friends from the Northcote High School community to join us.
All the state schools, secondary and primary, in the Northcote electorate are facing the same challenges of out-of-date and poorly maintained buildings and NESSA is calling for a transparent strategy to fund completion of approved master plans.
NESSA is calling on the Victorian government to ensure that all the state school facilities in our electorate are fit for purpose and appropriate for 21st century education, and that funding for state school facilities is de-politicised. See the attached flyer for contact details and upcoming events.