Pastoral Care Worker/Multi-Cultural Liaison Officer

Dear Parents and Students,


This Term I wanted look for the opportunity to get back into action with the good work and services Marian Catholic College had provided in previous years to serve the Griffith community.    During the COVID pandemic, it has been a challenging time for most of us and now it’s time to move forward in helping our community to thrive and overcome challenging circumstance families had gone through.


Wednesday, 9th of May our Community Action Team (CAT), staff and students volunteered their lunch and recess breaks to help prepare and cook for Carevan Griffith. With students volunteering their time helps them gain confidence and a sense of belonging to help them feel connected to people in need. This creates a positive change in their lives and helps them to focus on more important things in life. Students develop skills they can apply in their education and everyday life. 


Our staff enjoyed being involved and working alongside the students, the atmosphere helped strengthen ties to the community and broaden a great support network throughout MCC. 


Wednesday, 12th May, Members of the Student’s Community Action Team and I collected plastic bottles from MCC and recycled them at the return and earn facility in Griffith.  Vouchers collected were donated to the Griffith Community Centre.


Thursday, 13th May, I donated Samoan desserts to the Griffith Community Centre to help out with the luncheon for their open day.  The Griffith Community Centre's open day brought people together from across the city. The theme was 'loneliness,' aiming to bring people from across the town together over food and celebration. It was great to a part of the open day and meet other community members to share a variety of cultural foods and communicate about moving forward to help out one another.


Mrs Sanita Lole

Pastoral Care Worker/Multi-Cultural Liaison Officer