College Chaplain

Dear friends, 


Today we celebrate Marian Founders Day. Firstly, we show our gratitude to our Marian Founders, the Marist Brothers and the Sisters of Mercy. They have accepted the mission of the risen Lord to “go out and to bear fruit” (John 15:16), to love and to care, to share and to serve, and more importantly, to lead us back to the risen Lord, “the Way, the Truth and the Life.”


Friends, our Marian community is the fruit that they bear. Our celebration today is not only to show our gratitude to our Marian Founders but also to remind ourselves of their charisms and imitate them to listen to the word of God “to go out and to bear fruit.” 


To follow Christ as Mary did; to make Jesus Christ known and love; to remain in the Love of God; to unite ourselves more closely to Him and then to serve others with the love of God. 

Since 2006 our College has chosen Blessed Virgin Mother Mary as our Patron to remember the charisms of our Marian Founders. Let us ask our Blessed Mother Mary to intercede for us all that we will be inspired with their dedication and charisms and imitate them to carry out the mission of the risen Lord. And in particular, we pray for more blessings and graces upon the Marist Brothers Orders and the Sisters of Mercy Institute. 

Let us say together, Hail Mary, full of grace, ….

Saint Marcellin Champagnat, pray for us.

Venerable Catherine McAuley, pray for us.

This weekend the Church celebrates the Ascension of the Lord. Before he went back to the Heavenly Father, he said to his disciples and each one of us, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15) Being a Christian, a follower of the Risen Lord, how do you respond to his invitation and mandate?



Dear Lord Jesus Christ,

right before your Ascension into heaven

you told your apostles to be His witnesses

to the ends of the earth upon receiving the Holy Spirit.

May I be similarly inspired

to spread your Gospel message in word and deed,

according to your will for me.

And may I do so prudently and joyfully,

with your help, your guidance and your grace!

And remembering this glorious event,

help me to seek what is above, Heaven,

where you are seated at the right hand of God the Father!



Fr Paul