Performing Arts 

What a wonderful experience it has been to have students back in the classroom. The first week back all students learnt about trust and working in a group to create an ensemble. Many students identified that to work well in a group it is better to work with a person who is friendly, reliable and will be there for you when things might go wrong.


We were also introduced to a few new dances that as a school we can do together apart. Can you dance the Electric Slide? Do you know all the moves to the Cha Cha Slide? 4/5/6 students have been given the challenge to create a dance tutorial for their buddies using the steps to the Electric Slide.


Good actors can tell a story using costumes, make up and props. Great actors can convince you that something exists when it isn’t there. Have you ever tried to tell a story without using sound? This week we explored the skills of Pantomime, using our bodies to convey action and interaction with objects and different environments. We played an array of drama games that explored sharing our special objects with another person by miming what it is and becoming detectives that can’t talk but have to guess what happened from a miming eye witness.


Looking forward to the next two weeks!

All the best,



Ding! Being detectives...
What is the scenario?
Making a wave...
Ding! Being detectives...
What is the scenario?
Making a wave...