Other reminders

As we head into the second half of Term 4, it is a timely reminder to help ensure regular attendance.
At Para Vista we address engagement and learning outcomes for all of our students. We have continued to work closely as a staff to create a safe, supportive school environment that promotes attendance and engagement from all students. This year of course, has not been without it’s complexities.
Our 2020 Attendance target at Para Vista has always been 95%. Due to a wide number of absenteeism and students arriving late, it is likely that we will fall short of this number. We are optimistic however that our last 4 weeks of school, will increase our chances of coming closer to our 95% target. Our proactive approach through our Attendance Policy supports our families to help rebuild a consistent routine back into school.
In the last two weeks of school, students will have opportunities to connect with peers for their 2021 classes. Therefore, we are encouraging our entire school community to value regular and consistent attendance for the remainder of the term. This will help support a smooth transition into the holidays and into 2021.
If your child is absent, please let their teacher know. A written note or phone call is required. If you need to inform the school, please call through on 8264 9588.
Please be aware that all unexplained absences are required to be accounted for under the Education Act of South Australia. We thank our community who are continuing to value consistent attendance.
We look forward to seeing all of our young learners in class at 8:40am.
As we have seen this week, the weather can be quite unforgiving at times. Hot and sunny one day, lightning and thunderstorms the next.
As we head into the hotter Summer days, to help support our young learners in the classroom, we strongly encourage them to come to school with a large drink bottle. All students will also be required to have their hat with them, as per our ‘Hot Weather Policy’.
When the weather is above 36°C, student will remain inside during break-times, to help ensure their wellbeing. If there is inclement weather (rain/thunderstorms), students will also remain inside. Classroom teachers have been mindful of this and have worked in some outdoor time into their timetables in the cooler moments in the morning.
Whilst we cannot control the weather, we can control our learning environments. All classrooms are fitted with air conditioning/heating and provides a very comfortable learning space.
Year 7 Graduation
Graduation is an important ceremony to celebrate the completion of primary school. This year at Para Vista we will have a formal Graduation Ceremony for the students and their parents / care givers in the school hall on Wednesday 9th December at 5:45pm. Special subject awards are also presented on the night. Afterwards we have organised a dinner for the students at Civic Park Family Restaurant from 7:00 to 8:00pm. This will be a smorgasbord meal with a drink included. The staff serve the students with all meals displayed behind Perspex screens. The total cost is $20 (GST excluded). This includes a Graduation Photo, certificate, decorations and a DVD of highlights from year 7. Students are asked to wear their best clothes. We do not expect families to go out and spend large amounts on formal clothes. We expect neat, clean, tidy clothes.
To address COVID restrictions we ask that parents attend but no children. We will send home two tickets. There may be surplus tickets available, once all family allocations have been made, if you would like additional tickets for other adults in your family. Please speak to Maxine or Chris if you would like additional tickets subject to availability. We look forward to celebrating this event with you and your family. A note with the times and final details will be sent home as we get closer to the date.