Welcome To Term 4
Dear parents and guardians,
Welcome to Term Four as we commence an incredibly exciting term of learning together at GWPS. We are immensely proud to celebrate with you the incredible growth our learners have accomplished during this unprecedented period. Technologies have showed us that our learners desire to grow in self organisation, self-motivation and independence has certainly matured and blossomed.
We look forward to prioritising learner wellbeing through re-connection and belonging as the foundations of successful learning throughout Term 4. Through a holistic lens of nurturing the whole child, we will be focusing on developing interpersonal skills, collaboration and self-regulation to support academic rigour. We continue to view all challenges as opportunities to learn, self-reflect, be resilient and reimagine and reinvent our world bravely.
An enormous thankyou goes out to you our wonderful families and caregivers of Level 4 who have supported the learning of our children. Our students have been able to truly learn from real world experiences, deepening our program and making it richer for everyone. Without you, such a successful Learning from Home transition would not have been possible and on behalf of all the Level 4 teachers we say a huge ‘thankyou’. If you have any questions about this Term or if we can be of service in any way, please do not hesitate to contact your classroom teacher for clarification.