Chaplains Chat 

Veronica Tirchett

I would like to continue the message I shared through my last article about being grateful for the ‘micro’ moments that happen in the very ordinary happenings of each day.   I am trying to be more mindful of these and to capture the joy and delight and harness them within my heart. I’d like to share some of these with you and hope that it may encourage each and every one of us to notice these precious moments more often. I assure you, that they are there.


Recently a grade 6 student and her friend shared with me that they wanted to start a project of spreading kindness to others. They had some great ideas in how to make this possible and excitedly showed these to me. There was a positive shift in their mindset, a sparkle in their eyes, as they thought how they could impact others with kindness and encourage them to pass it on to others.


A local church has recently started up a 'Free Fresh Food Program' at Wandin Senior Citizens each Friday at 11am.   Some of the wonderful  community members come along and bring their donations of produce from their own gardens to add to what we are distributing for families in need.  We have had the Wandin Rotary Group support this program with the donation of a woman from Dandenong who has a commercial kitchen and makes frozen meals that we are able to offer as well.  It is so lovely to see the community coming together to help and support each other. 


It has been such a joy being up at the Kiss n Drop area and welcome our students into the school for a new day.  I love the waves and smiles (you know I was smiling behind my mask).  I love the greetings from parents and students who politely say, “Have a good day.”


One of our many strengths as a school, is that we have a strong sense of community and connection with our families.  We are here for each other and will go the extra distance to help and support one another when it is needed. 


Recently a grade 2 student handed me a beautiful card she had made, full of colour and creativity.  Her face beamed with a smile as she handed this gift of love to me. It melted my heart and it made my day. Another ‘micro moment’ to remember.


Congratulations to Axel on coming 1st with Judges Choice and Youth Group People's Choice for the NAIDOC Art Show.

As we approach the Christmas season, may we all be encouraged to become givers and sharers of “micro moments” of joy that bring warmth, love and connection of one heart to another.  It is the season of Joy, Love and Peace so wherever we can and whenever we can let’s start a movement of ‘micro moments’ to strengthen and nurture our connections to each other.


