Religious Education

Parish Bulletin


With so much uncertainty surrounding the current global and local landscape, we can still have courage and faith in our God during this Lenten Season. Easter is the most important time of our Catholic Liturgical Calendar therefore, although we are somewhat restricted in our travels and attendance to places of worship, we can still be involved in the special space of prayer. I have included a prayer for you to share at the bottom of this section about the greatness of our Lord's Resurrection and our quest to do His will.


Prayer is a powerful motivator to connect with our God and our family during this special time of the year. The reading of Biblical text can also be an opportunity for us to connect with our God and with each other.


I trust our St Therese school community will take this time to reflect and connect; as a family that prays together, stays together.


May you all stay safe and be blessed during this Easter season.

God bless.