TCC Sports Wrap
Greater Western Junior Girls Footy
On Thursday the 9th of June our Year 7 and 8 girls took off to Warrnambool to compete in the second stage of the the SSV competition.
As to be expected on a winter’s day in Warrnambool, the girls were faced with wet and windy conditions for the four games they played, winning one of them and putting up a great fight all day.
Game 1 VS Mercy College - TCC 1.0.6 (Neve Brewer 1) Mercy 2.2.14.
Game 2 VS Emmanuel College - TCC 3.2.20 (Cam Smith 1, Tess Harris 1, Ava Mahoney 1) Emmanuel 0.
Game 3 VS Ballarat High School - TCC 0 Ballarat 4.3.27.
Game 4 VS Horsham College - TCC 1.0.6 (Cam Smith 1) Horsham- 4.2.26.
Year 7 and 8 Coastal Football
On Wednesday, June 1st the Year 7 and 8 boys football teams headed to a wet, windy and cold Central Reserve to take on Colac Secondary College and Apollo Bay/Lorne in the Coastal division as part of the SSV junior football program.
Our Year 7 boys kicked off the day with a hard fought win in the wet and windy conditions over CSC in game one, then going on to defeat Apollo Bay/Lorne in their later game.
Yr 7 Game 1 vs CSC - TCC 3.6.24 (Toby Barren 1, Jordan Kelly 1, Monti McCrimmon 1) CSC 1.5.11.
Yr 7 Game 2 vs Apollo Bay/Lorne - TCC 4.8.32 (Aubrey Melville 2, Toby Barren 2) A Bay/ Lorne 2.2.14.
Our Year 8 boys followed on with the success also claiming the win over both CSC and Apollo Bay/Lorne as they rotated through several positions, seeing multiple goal kickers throughout the day.
Yr 8 Game 1 vs Apollo Bay/Lorne - TCC 7.8.50 (Brad Foster 1, Hartley Ganim 1, Kai Fraser 1, Tom Permezel 1, Ashton Middleton 1, Erfan Hussaini 1, Luke Everett 1) A Bay/Lorne 0.
Yr 8 Game 2 vs CSC - TCC 16.10.106 (Jayden Russell 3, Fletcher Harty 3, Rhys Parsons 2, Kai Fraser 2, Jake Langdon 1, Luke Everett 1, Sam McCarthy 1, Tom Permezel 1, Bailey Driscoll 1, Erfan Hussaini 1, Hamish Darroch 1) CSC 0.1.1.
Senior Boys State Golf Championships
Micah Robb and Max Hutchinson qualified for the State Golf Championships, which were played in Melbourne on Monday the 6th of June.
Max was unable to play, but Micah played in some very wet and windy conditions, finishing 30th in the state, which was a great effort.
Coastal Junior 7 Netball
It was our year 7 and 8 netballers' turn to compete in their Coastal Netball day recently. It was a great day out for all the coastal schools. CSC were able to get two Year 7 teams and a Year 8 team. Apollo Bay and Lorne had a team each and then a combined Apollo Bay/ Lorne/Lavers Hill team and we took two Year 7 teams and two Year 8 teams.
There were a lot of very close games throughout the day, particularly amongst CSC, Lorne and Apollo Bay.
Our Year 7 Red and Year 8 Red teams were victorious in the end and will now go to Ballarat on Wednesday the 22nd of June to compete in the Greater Western Championships.
Cross Country Greater Western Championships
Our cross-country runners competed in Warrnambool recently, where luckily for the students the rain held off until the bus trip home.
We had some great results from various age groups with 5 students qualifying for the State finals, which will be held on Thursday the 14th of July, which is the first Thursday back after the school holidays.
Congratulations to our Qualifiers:
- Jack Fish who finished 1st in the 15 Boys age group with a time of 10.30.263 over 3km;
- Izaac Tate who finished 2nd in the 13 Boys age group with a time of 11.15.193 over 3km;
- Tilly Geue who finished 3rd in the 14 Girls age group with a time of 13.06.753 over 3km;
- Tom Frampton who finished 4th in the 17-20 Boys age group with a time of 18.01.610 over 5km;
- and Harmony Parker who finished 8th in the 13 Girls age group with a time of 13.35.260 over 3km.
Well done to all of the students who competed on the day and represented Trinity College to the best of their ability.
Thanks also to David Miller, Vicki Andres and Josh Garner for all their assistance throughout the day.