Principal's Report

Welcome back to Term 3

A very big welcome back to a very busy term, I hope everyone enjoyed their time with families and friends and had the opportunity to recharge your batteries for what is already a vibrant and busy term.  We have many opportunities for students to be involved in a huge array of activities this term. Many excursions and incursions are operating that support the curriculum.  The term has begun with Hoop Time trials and training for Years 3-6, congratulations to those students who made a team.  Our Soccer, Football and Netball teams made the Division Finals and had great success. Thank you to every Year 5 and 6 student who showed amazing sportsmanship and commitment to the day.  I am extremely proud of all of you.


Official Opening of Our Jubilee Park                                                                                       


On the 5th of August we will be holding a special assembly on the top oval (weather permitting) at 3pm with our special guest, The Honourable Alan Tudge to celebrate the official opening of Jubilee Park.  Our school community is very welcome to join us. We were successful in obtaining a grant of $7,500 to plant trees around our oval to create a canopy for shade and to help with erosion. 


This project received funding from the Australian Government’s Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee Program.  


Holiday Ground Works

During the holidays we had many projects completed.

  • Many trees planted around the school but specifically to create a canopy of trees at the back of the oval for shade and to help with erosion.
  • Repairs to leakages from the roof in Building A and B and the Gym.
  • Leak and carpet repair to the carpet in Building B
  • Year 2 boys toilet walls and ceiling repaired

Staffing News

I would like to officially welcome two new staff members to our BHPS community who will enrich our teaching profile in many ways. 


Simon Butler who is working in the Year 1 class and has settled in beautifully.  Carlos Milan as the new STEAM teacher. We look forward to both teachers enjoying our community and their new positions at BHPS and I know you will join me in making them feel very welcome. 


BYOD Information Night for Year 2 Families

We will be holding an information night for our Year 2 families on the Tuesday 9th August. More information will be sent home soon.


Prep Enrolments for 2023

If you have a child that will be attending Boronia Heights PS in 2023, we are taking enrolments NOW.  The Education Department are requesting that all Prep enrolments are completed by August 12th.  Confirmation letters will be sent home just after the 12th August.



Thank you to all those families who have already sold their box of chocolates and asked for more, we appreciate your hard work.  However, if you are like most of us just slowly eating your way through them, I can certainly understand and empathise. Thank you to Yvette Willison and Leah Hodgson for organising the chocolates for all our families. This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the year and we thank you all for your support.


Year 5 Camp

Our Year 5 campers went to the Sovereign Hill camp this week, and with the weather forecast being a little cold we encouraged everyone to wear warm clothes.  However, when they arrived at camp the sun was shining and their first day of activities were fantastic.  Cold mornings but amazing sunshine prevailed for the two days following and everyone was able to access the activities with ease. The happy campers and staff had a terrific time.  I would like to thank all students for embracing the activities and representing our school outstandingly.

Thank you to all our Year 5 staff, Sarah McIntosh and our parents Serge Tolmachev and Michael Taylor for supporting our Year 5 students and operating a fabulous camp.


Division Finals- Football/Soccer/Netball 

What a very busy week for our senior students with Year 5 footballers leaving very early from camp to be able to play in the division finals.  Congratulations to all our students who participated in these finals. You all played extremely well and represented BHPS with distinction. Thank you to all staff for their organisation and support of our students, especially Kim Brimelow, Jacinta Carro and Lisa Baker who left bright and early from camp to make sure our footballers did not miss this opportunity. 


Cyber Safety Project

Boronia Heights Primary School are very excited to begin a partnership with the Cyber Safety Project. The Cyber Safety Project’s mission is to provide a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using technologies for work, life, and play. Our whole school incursion last week provided students the opportunity to participate in an engaging and interactive workshop.


Thank you to those parents who logged onto the webinar on Wednesday night.  Staff and students were also involved in a very similar Cyber Safety session in the first week of Term 3.  Parents if you have any further questions regarding last night or any other digital technology questions please do not hesitate to speak to the school. 


Celebrating Students

From time to time, I have students visit my office who are excited to share their work. Their pride is an absolute joy to share.


Evie S from Year 1 shared a fantastic poem with me. 


Rainbow Poem

Red is ruby red jewels

Orange is like big crunchy carrots

Yellow is like the bright sun

Blue is like dripping water

Purple is like Mrs. Kett’s draw

Pink is like the pink tricky words

Rainbows are colourful.

by Evie S 1K


In response to our recent Cyber Safety incursion, Eleanor M from 6A wrote this persuasive piece.


Kids under 15 shouldn’t have Facebook

Do you have social media? Did you know one in five children have experienced or witnessed cyber bullying? With these numbers rising every year, I strongly believe that kids under fifteen should be banned from any social media platforms. 


Firstly, social media can be extremely unsafe if used incorrectly. More than half of the kids in the world post personal information without noticing and even when they are careful a shocking eighth percentage knows how to hack most social media platforms! Does your kid post pictures? I hope they’ll stop!


Secondly, social media platforms are erasing the need for talking. Kids are the future and there are heaps of reason for our generation to be able to socialise without the help of our devices. As well as this, kids can meet strangers online who are just there to harm them. 

Finally, as nice as technology is, it makes hurting someone that much easier. For example, pretend you’re on social media and you have just scored 100% on your latest test. You are ecstatic and decide to post a picture of you holding up your test. Two minutes later three comments catch your eye: 


“I could get that in my sleep!”

“Nerdy pants! Nerdy pants!”


Comments like these create emotional marks that cannot be erased.


In conclusion, kids under fifteen have more emotional scars and risks than any other age level! So next time you want to use social media please consider just interacting face-to-face instead.


by Eleanor M 6A


Enjoy the wonderful weather heading our way this weekend. 


Leanne Jennings
