General News

From the Business Leader

Earlier this year we completed two long awaited capital projects.  The first was the addition of four large shade sails over the nature play area.  These sails will provide much needed protection from the sun for the children during break times.  The second was the installation of five retractable blinds over the balcony outside the senior classrooms.  The blinds have transformed the balcony into a year round outdoor learning area, providing shade from the sun in the warmer months and protection from the wind and rain in winter.  We would like to thank the State Government for its generous capital grant which made these projects possible.

Nature Play Shade Sails
Senior Balcony Blinds
Nature Play Shade Sails
Senior Balcony Blinds

July Vacation Care

It is the last chance to get your July Vacation Care bookings in for SPLASH. All bookings are due by Friday 24th June. 

Wednesday Chapel

This Term our focus is learning about unique stories in Luke: 

Term 2 Chapels will be led by: 

Week 9 (1/7): Pastor Matt

Chapel will be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. Parents and caregivers are now able to join us for Wednesday Chapel. If you would like to join us for our weekly Wednesday Chapel. Please book into a session using the trybooking link


All visitors MUST wear a mask at all times whilst on site and socially distance.

Friday Assembly

Our Friday Assembly will be led by: 

Week 8 (24/6): 1 Voigt

Friday Assembly will be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. Parents and caregivers are now able to join us for Friday Assembly. If you would like to join us for our weekly Friday Assembly. Please book into a session using the trybooking link 


All visitors MUST wear a mask at all times whilst on site and socially distance.

Pasty Bakes

Pasty Bakes are back for winter 2022 and make a quick, easy and delicious dinner option.

Our next bake is this Thursday June 23.

Pasties are $15 for a tray of 6.

Please put your orders in with Renate 0405 433 030 or through the Church Office on 8262 4690 to arrange payments and pick up. Funds raised go towards the work of St Paul Lutheran Church.

NEXT Bake is Thursday July 28th.

St Paul Lutheran School App

The old app is now obsolete and will have to be uninstalled. 

If you are yet to download the St Paul app, here are the instructions. The app has all the contact information you need as a parent of St Paul. This app is different to the QKR! and Seesaw app.  An email has been sent out last week with your Login. You will be asked to create a password. This is what you will use to access the St Paul parent portal.  You can also contact the school office to obtain your login and password. 

Basketball/Netball Semester two

For those not continuing basketball/netball in Semester Two, pleasewash and return your child’s uniform in a named bag to the school office by next Friday 1 July.

This is so we are able to do a stocktake and re-issue the uniforms to the new players for Semester Two 2022.

If you have any queries, please contact Jane Sabel on 8260 2655.



Rory's School Lunches are continuing to provide canteen services at St Paul in 2022. Orders can be made via the Qkr! app. Please note the cut off time for same day lunch orders is 8:30am. The Rory's Parent hotline number for late orders is 0413 575 800. This is manned from 9:30am.

Term Dates

Term 1:  2 February - 14 April

Term 2:  2 May - 1 July

Term 3:  25 July - 30 September 

Term 4:  17 October - 14 December



God’s Word | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Acceptance | Romans 15:7 

Excellence | 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Respect  | Luke 6:31 

Compassion | 1 John 3:18 

Hope | Titus 3:7 

Community | 2 Corinthians 13:13 

Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a