Junior School Report

Semester 1 is now complete and reports will be available on Compass this Friday 24th June. So much has been accomplished in the Junior school during Terms 1 & 2, and our students have made impressive progress personally and academically, having completed NAPLAN and Semester exams, whilst engaging in numerous extracurricular activities.


During the past weeks all of our amazing Year 7 students performed at the College Musical Soiree. The evening showcased the talents of each Year 7 class as they performed a number of instrumental pieces learnt this year, during their instrumental and band lessons. Each class even included solo, duet or trio performances and it was truly inspiring to see how far the students had progressed in such a short time.



In Year 8 our students have been working hard this term to collect GEMs by demonstrating gratitude, empathy and mindfulness in their classes.  These attributes form part of the Resilience Project work that students have been completing through Making Connections this semester.  Each period class groups have the opportunity to be awarded a point by their teacher, with the class group with the most points celebrating with a class party on the last day of term.

Victoria Police Presentation - Cyber bullying, Sexting & the Law        

  Year 7 Badminton     


The Year 9 students have now completed their Morrisby testing, as they start to prepare for the transition into Senior school. The Morrisby program offers young people valuable careers advice through a combination of online testing and interviews allowing for self-discovery, whilst making careers guidance enjoyable yet meaningful. This program provides personalised advice to our students, helping them make informed decisions about study pathways and career opportunities, including their future employment. All Year 9 students will soon have the opportunity to complete a Year 9-10 transition program designed to develop their understanding of the Year 10 subject requirements & Senior school processes prior to course counselling beginning during Term 3. 


Throughout the Junior school we have been delighted to see the variety of programs that have continued to be on offer, with students taking up a range of opportunities such as rehearsing for the Wakakirri dance performance, representing the college at interschool sport, attending alumni presentations, participating in student voice activities, engaging with wellbeing programs and attending seminars offered by the Victoria Police Youth Resource Officers.


Our High Abilities students have now completed their 10 week extension & enrichment program and we are pleased to have a new cohort of students starting in Term 3. We would like to encourage parents to explore the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series which provides free extension activities for high-ability students in Victorian government schools from Prep to Year 12. Within the series, education experts deliver an array of incursions, excursions, webinars and online programs across all areas of the curriculum; these occur outside school hours. To browse the available activities please visit: https://arc.educationapps.vic.gov.au/eventhub/channels/VCES


In the recent weeks, staff have been spending valuable teaching time talking to students about readiness to learn, being out of uniform, behaviours stemming from phone use and social media and attendance/punctuality. While we have processes in place at the school to encourage positive behaviours and consequences when necessary - we would appreciate the support of families by continuing these conversations and taking action at home to support your child.


Over the holidays it would be great if families could have these conversations:

  • Attendance & punctuality is one of the leading influences on your child’s success at school. If you need support regarding attendance or punctuality - please contact the college to discuss strategies to assist your child. If an extended absence is expected you should contact your child’s TTL to discuss how they will keep up with their education whilst absent from school.
  • E-safety is a growing concern for many students with access to social media comes online bullying, sharing of inappropriate images and gaming addiction. Parents are encouraged to discuss & monitor their child for appropriate use of social media and safety sharing online information. For support with these conversations please visit: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/skills-advice/hard-to-have-conversations
  • Uniform must be worn at all times, students should not be wearing hoodies or puffer jacket coats. Over the holidays please check with your child that they have all the uniform they need for school, especially a school jumper & a PE jacket as the weather has cooled off.
  • Student engagement & wellbeing. Returning to onsite learning has been difficult for some students. We are seeing a variety of reasons such as decreased learning confidence due to gaps in learning, social issues with peers and anxiety being common concerns. Over the holidays please check in with your child to see how they are going, talk with them and listen to their concerns, reassure them that this is normal and if you feel they need further support please contact the schools wellbeing team, your child's TTL or your GP for further support.


As we head into the holidays we want to wish everyone in our Junior school community a relaxing break and we hope that you get to spend some quality time with your family and friends.


Ms Williams and Mr Sloan 

Junior School Assistant Principals