Year 8 Camp

Wednesday, 8 of June saw over 100 Year 8’s depart MSC for Lady Northcote in Rowsley, Victoria for a 3 day, 2 night cabin based camp. The weather was not looking great, but spirits were high. Throughout the whole experience staff were impressed with students teamwork, courage and leadership. Students really enjoyed the giant swing, archery and high ropes. They learned how to build a campfire and cook damper with their activity group. On our final day, students were invited to participate in the whole camp ‘Mission’, where they completed as many challenges as they could in the time allowed. Well done to Activity Group 4, who won and were rewarded with as many scones with jam and cream as they could eat. Thank-you to our fabulous staff and parents who came to support this program throughout the 3 days. Camps cannot occur without these volunteer hours from staff and families and it is very much appreciated.