Before and After School Care

At Maramba, we have a great before and after school care program for our families to access every week day from 6:30am to 6:00pm. On school Curriculum Days, they offer a day program if enough families book to use the service.


Set up in one of our gymnasiums with canteen / kitchen, students have access to some great facilities, large indoor play area, climbing wall and basket ball hoop.


TheirCare run a great program offering fresh food, arts and crafts, indoor and a outdoor activities and play to make sure all students are happy and fun. They also support students with home work.

Weekly Program Recap 

16.05.22 – 20.05.22

This week at Maramba Ps TheirCare our theme was National Reconciliation Week! The week has been a little bit crazy settling in with our new coordinator. The children had the opportunity this week to voice their wants, needs and preferences. We quickly learnt that colouring in, craft, and sports are top favourites amongst the children. Jess introduced some fun new group games, like “sneaky bunny” and “name tag”.😊 The children also engaged in drawing challenges, lego building and helped Jess make a tree on the wall. This encourages imagination and creativity. We acquired and labelled new stationary, which helped teach the children about responsibility and it was so amazing to see some of the children take ownership and help to educate their friends on the rules for keeping the stationary tidy.

We look forward to further changes over the coming weeks; new displays, new games, new processes to make life easier for everyone and a whole lot more fun!


As always, the children also engaged in spontaneous play such as Basketball in the gym, lego, and lots of drawing and painting 😊 Charlie even managed to talk Mel into making some Blue slime that stained all the children’s hands, not ideal, but gosh they had fun


MTOP = 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.1