Y9 Camp/Urban Expeditions Week

Term 2

During the last week of Term 2, our Year 9 students attended an exciting array of camps/programs including a 4-day guided Sea Kayaking tour, rafting on the Snowy River, horse and camel riding at Billabong Ranch in Echuca and hiking along the Great Ocean Road! Those who chose the Urban Expeditions program visited many places including the Eureka Skydeck, MCG, Fortress Gaming Centre, Hardrock Indoor Rock Climbing, Sea Life Aquarium, ACMI, Strike Bowling QV, an escape room and went on a walking tour of Melbourne’s street art. Student reflections, photos and videos below!

Student Reflections

Lily G - Sea Kayaking

Over the course of the camp/urban expedition week, ten students and two teachers kayaked an astounding 25km, carrying everything we needed for three nights in the wilderness. We learnt how to set up tents, use a Trangia stove, and survive on basics. My favourite part of the experience was sitting around the campfire stargazing, and seeing lots of native wildlife. We were blessed with incredible weather, and it was a once in a lifetime experience which nobody will forget. We are all so grateful for the camp counsellors Cam and Steve, and Mr Bourbon and Ms Ford, for all their hard work and making our camp all 'round awesome.


Kieran J - Great Ocean Road Hike

At the beginning of the Great Ocean Road camp we were waiting and preparing for the hike ahead of us. Playing on the sand and exploring the area. As we started walking the weather was getting rougher and rougher with all of the rain. The first day on the camp we were not ready for how long and tiring it was. We would get up at 7 o’clock every morning and go into our tents when it would get dark. It was nice having friends to talk to and help us get through the days. At times the camp was tough in the moment but it was very fun, bunkering down in the tents with friends and having our snacks. Looking back on the camp it was enjoyable and a great experience.


Ben M - Snowy River

On the last week of school, everyone in Year 9 went to different camps across Victoria. I went to the Snowy River camp. We headed off on Sunday morning at around 10 am. We were a group of 11 consisting of 2 boys and 9 girls, as well as our main teacher Mr Lyons and Student Teacher Isabelle. The trip up there took about 6 hours and on our first night we stayed on a farm where we met our guides. We stayed in big tents, and this is where we got all our gear. 


Early Monday morning we left to begin our first day of rafting. We paddled for about 4 hours through small rapids and mountains on either side of us before finding a place to camp for the night. We set up our tents and helped make dinner before finishing the night off with a big game of Uno. Tuesday morning, we got up early and packed up our camp and began a long day of rafting through the gorge. We went through a big rapid called A-frame where Isabelle fell out of our raft (she was fine), and our boat got stuck on a massive rock in the middle of the rapid. Wednesday was a big day for rapids. We did 2 big rapids and 1 rapid that we students weren’t able to do because it was too dangerous. 


Finally, it was Thursday, we finished off the last part of the trip by rafting another 4 hours through rolling hills and mountains. We stopped by an Indigenous cave where we learnt some of the historical stories behind it. We stayed at one final camp where we sat by the fire and talked about some of the memories made on camp. We left Friday morning and got back early Friday afternoon. I really enjoyed the camp and made some great memories that I will never forget. 


Aaron P & Emmanuel B - Urban Expeditions Week

The Urban Expeditions Week was a fantastic opportunity that we are glad to have had the opportunity to partake in and experience. All of the activities that we took part in were great fun, some of the highlights being the Rock Climbing, Yarra River Boat Cruise and the Escape Room. Thank you to all the people that had a part in making this wonderful experience possible! 


Lila F & Haley B - Urban Expeditions Week

The Urban Expeditions Week was a fun and educational experience. We got to do activities such as the Eureka Skydeck, an escape room, bowling and much more. Each day on the camp was very well planned and exciting. The teachers on the camp made sure that we had friends with us and that it was an enjoyable experience. Overall, we highly enjoyed going on this camp and loved experiencing the things that we got too.


Poppy B - Urban Expeditions Week

Urban Expeditions was such a great experience, I loved going to the city with my friends and participating in a variety of activities. My favourites were: rock climbing, bowling, escape rooms and experiencing the amazing views from the Eureka Skydeck. I also loved taking a boat across the Yarra River and learning about historical and modern things along the way. I would definitely recommend this expedition to anyone and I would certainly do it again if I could! 


For those not on Facebook - photos below as posted in the last week of Term 2.

Snowy River

Sea Kayaking

Great Ocean Road Hike

Billabong Ranch

Urban Expeditions Week