International Student News



Term 2 News

Term 2, 2022 has been a very eventful and exciting term for our International Student Program ( ISP).

We welcomed Frank You and Alice Dang, who went through a lot of hurdles for international travel and finally arrived in Melbourne at the beginning of term 2.


In order to increase our international enrolments, our International Office under the leadership of Sam and Angela conducted a series of campaigns. We had meetings with the Marketing Team of International Education Division ( IED) of the DET and we invited the Admissions Team of the IED to visit our campuses. We were constantly in touch with overseas and onshore agents to promote our ISP, we compiled multiple marketing documents for the IED, agents and prospective international applicants such as International Student Guide, School Profile for Asian Market, Right School & Right Place School Guide for agents etc. After the intensive campaign, I am excited to announce that our English Language Centre will be reopening from Term 3, 2022 after its closure for 2 years and 1 term.


This term we have also successfully completed our ISP audit. Thanks a lot to Sam/Angela/Margaret for your time/guidance/support for this audit.

On Thursday, 23 June lunch break and after school, our International Students at Collingwood campus and Wurun campus respectively gathered together to celebrate the end of Semester 1. This gathering also served as their Semester 1 communal birthday celebration. It was nice to see them singing Happy Birthday and having fun together.


Owing to their academic performance, exemplary behaviour and great efforts with their studies, the following international students were also presented with an international award:

Y12: Bac N, Christine T, Kai N, Linda N, Uliana L

Y10 Leo H, Ethan H, Yuhao L, Tom Y, Toby T, Yanhao W

Y9 Emily W, Cen Z, Frank Y

Y8 Raeanna B   Y7  Tom W, Nephi W


Wishing them a relaxing and fun filled Term 2 break.


Lucy Wang

International Students Support Team 2022

Collingwood College