Music News- Week 2

Ensemble Commencement

Please refer to SEQTA communication from ensemble directors, regarding first rehearsal times and locations. Students and families are particularly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Music and Drama Calendar, and to procure Music uniforms through the Uniform Shop, where applicable.


Further information on the College’s ensemble offerings can be accessed through all College Music Staff and the Music Office: 9383 0440.

Enrolment in Music Lessons

To enroll in individual music lessons for all instruments and in voice, please use the following application form: Music Lesson Application Form.


Please note that some instruments might have a waiting list based on tutor availability.

Student Achievement

Congratulations to Tyler Shan (Year 8) for achieving a High Distinction in his recent Grade 8 AMEB Piano exam!

Music Department Policies, Handbook and Calendar

Please note that some Music Department information and policies have been updated for 2023. All families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the policies, particularly regarding advice of student sickness/absence from lessons. All relevant Music Department documents are available via SEQTA documents. Please contact the Music Office or Music Staff with any queries.


James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music