Learning in S40

Mrs Vonnie Cole

Senior School S40 Cole is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Mathematics in S40 

S40 have been focusing strongly on whole number, particularly place value, factors and multiples, prime and composite numbers, and index notation.  Students have been interacting in Number Talks, Challenging Tasks and ZPD activities.  

“I like the challenging tasks because you can get creative with them”  - Aubrey
“Challenging Tasks are good because they let you think about things you normally wouldn’t get to during class time” - Taya.
“I’m focusing on the Maths Value ‘Mistakes are Valuable’ at the moment” - Roid

Reading in S40 

S40 have worked very hard so far this year on developing their Literature Circle roles.  Each week, they rotate their roles and apply them to their group’s Literature Circle novel by responding and working through the individual role’s Success Criteria.  The roles are then presented to their Literature Circle group where they reflect on their learning and celebrate success.   

David from Yellow group: “I enjoy reading and I like the book my group chose”. 
Marcus from Red group: “I like writing the response and talking with the group”. 
Dane from Green group: “I like the roles, particularly Summariser, cause I get to read over again.  It’s different and you get to explore books that you wouldn’t normally.  And I like that it’s quiet.” 


Class Mission Statement  

It is the mission of S40 to create a safe and organised place, where we include others and enjoy ourselves. We will set ourselves up for success to increase our learning by staying focused and showing the values. 
We pledge to strive to be the very best we can be and to lead the school successfully. 

Mrs Vonnie Cole

Yr6 Teacher