Learning in M25

Ms Jenni Bradford

Middle School M25 Bradford is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

M25 Classroom News


During the first two weeks of the school year, M25 have been busy getting to know each other as a new class, setting up the classroom expectations, revisiting the school values, and just having fun.  We have set up our readers and writers’ workshop, created math values and engaged in some tasks to challenge our thinking in math.


During our well-being lessons, we have focused on being resilient, responsible, and respectful.  One key area looked at was how we each as individuals have different personal strengths we bring to the class and how this is important to understand as everyone adds their own independent ideas and strengths to the whole class.


The students engaged in an activity where they got to unpack and learn about different personal strengths.  They then each chose a strength card that they felt applied to them. They each shared why they chose that strength card.  They then each completed a strength bear that detailed their chosen strength.  I think you will all agree that the finished products show how much they enjoyed the task by the quality of what they have created.

All in all, we have had a lovely start to the school year and I look forward to all the wonderful things that lie ahead.


Take care, 

Mrs Bradford

Yr4 Teacher