Learning in J01

Miss Brooke Bartlett

Junior School J01 Bartlett is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

We are in Prep now! 

J01 has had a fantastic start to the year.  Our first day of Prep was so much fun! We went on a tour of the school looking for our friend the Green Sheep.  His friends were all hiding in lots of different places around the school, like the canteen, library, at the gym, near the art room, in the office and even at the playground.  Green sheep was so good at hiding that we found him in our classroom when we got back from our tour! 

J01 is continuing to learn our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Our Froggy dollar pouches are fast filling up!  We have also been practising writing our names the school way and identifying each letter in our names.


Keep up the awesomeness J01!  I look forward to a wonderful year ahead!


Miss Brooke Bartlett 

Foundation Teacher