Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report


We are well and truly into the school year and most students are adjusting well to the routine of daily school life as the weeks fly by. We are pleased to report that the majority of students have made a very positive start to the year.  We encourage these students to continue to build on their positive start.

There have also been some students in the last few days at school who have not been living up to some of the expectations that were clearly articulated to them by the Principal, Mr Cosentino,  in relation to the way we treat others.  The school is taking a very firm approach to any students breaching the Hands off Policy or being disrespectful to members of our community. We thank parents/guardians/carers for their support as we work to make the school the best it can be for all students to be able to grow and flourish.

Child Safety

Our Child Safety Team has started our meetings for 2023 and are working through a checklist to ensure we are implementing the new standards in our community. It was very pleasing to see from the checklist that it is clear we have taken a lot of very positive steps and we continue on this journey trying to ensure we are living out these standards.

A crucial area of our College is Child Safety. On our website, located under the Our College tab is Policies. Within the policy page there are numerous policies on Child Safety which we encourage members of our community to be familiar with. Also under Policies is our Complaints Handling Policy which would also be good for parents, guardians and carers to be aware of. 

Open Day - Tuesday 28 February 2023: 1.30 pm finish for Students

Tuesday 28 February 2023 is the College Open Day from 4.00pm-7.30pm.  All families are most welcome to attend and we also encourage you to invite family and friends looking at secondary school options for their children. Please be aware that school will finish at  the earlier time of 1.30pm on Tuesday, 28  February 2023 (Day 7 amended timetable) to enable staff time to set up for the Open Evening.  Students are most welcome to come and support as Assistants  in the Learning Areas or leading School Tours. Students are invited to see Mr Duckett if they would like to support the school on our Open Evening.

Key Dates

Some key dates as we look ahead:

  • Open Evening 4.00 pm - 7.30 pm Tuesday 28 February 2023.  Students finish at 1.30pm  (Day 7 timetable, amended 1.30pm end of day). 
  • Friday 3 March 2023: Staff Wellbeing Day (all day).  No classes, no students.
  • Wednesday 8 March 2023:  Year 7 Immunisation,  Round #1.
  • Thursday 9 March 2023: Opening School Mass, 10.30 am (Archbishop Peter Comensoli).
  • Monday 13 March 2023: Labour Day Public Holiday (No school).
  • Thursday 16 March 2023:  Whole School Swimming Carnival (all day).
  • Monday 27 March to Wednesday 29 March 2023:  Year 7 Camp, Group #1.
  • Wednesday 29 March to Friday 31 March 2023: Year 7 Camp, Group #2. 
  • Wednesday 5 April 2023 (early finish time of 1.30 pm for students  last day of classes for students for Term 1, 2023. 
  • Student Progress Meetings at the College  (over two days): 
  1. Wednesday 5 April 2023,  2.30 pm - 8.00 pm.   
  2. Thursday 6 April 2023 10.00 am - 3.00 pm. 
  • Thursday 6 April 2023: No classes, no students due to Student Progress Meetings.   End of Term 1, 2023.
  • Friday 7 April 2023: Good Friday.
  • Sunday 9 April 2023: Easter Sunday. 


It is always a privilege for us to cooperate with you as the primary educators of your children. A reminder to please contact your child’s Pastoral Teacher, as the first port of call, if you are aware of any issues that would enable us to offer the best support for them and their learning.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students