Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians, and friends of Nazareth 


School routine has been established and assisted us in a successful start to the year.  Year 7s are approaching the end of their induction and transition period and know what is expected and how secondary schools operate. I take this opportunity to thank our Year 13 students who have been assisting over the last month. Following are some of our 2023 mentors:


Year 9s have returned from camp and are also well into their studies. I thank all staff who attended this camp, giving up their time with their families.


Our Year 12 VCE, VCAL, and Vocational Major (VM) are well underway, and we hope that they continue to work to their full potential as they delve into their studies.


On Tuesday 28 February, the College will finish early (1.30 pm) to prepare for our annual Open Evening.  This allows the College to showcase its facilities, staff, and students. If you know any families considering enrolling at Nazareth, please inform them of the Open Evening.


Friday 3 March 2023, is a Student Free Day, to allow staff to engage in their professional/wellbeing day. The office will be open for emergencies only while staff undertake activities. Office staff will be off campus from 1.00 pm when the office will be closed.


We are currently advertising for an Accounts Receivable position. This will be a three day a week position. Shortly we will also advertise for an Administration Officer. If you are interested or know of anyone interested, please refer to the College webpage. 


Our Scholarships for 2024 are now open.  For any students wishing to apply, please refer to the College webpage for details.  Scholarship applications for 2024 will close on Friday 5 May 2023.  The Edutest will take place on Saturday 20 May 2023, at the College. If you have any queries, please contact Angie Palmer. 


Building update – there has not been much work onsite as we are still awaiting the final building permit to be issued. The builders have assured us that many other components, including windows, infrastructure, and electrical work, are currently happening offsite and will be brought into the school once the permit is issued.


On Thursday 9 March 2023, we will be hosting the official Opening and Blessing of the Science Centre and Tennis Courts, which will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli (Archbishop of Melbourne). There will be limited seating availability for parents. If you wish to attend, please register your interest via email  Please title the email SCIENCE OPENING.


Finally, I urge you to assist the school by keeping your children from running across the road at drop off and pick up times on Manning Drive. We are exploring further ways of resolving congestion at the end of each day.  If you can collect your child in any of the surrounding streets, this will ease the current congestion. When exiting the College, if you turn left, you can turn right into most of the streets off Bakers Road easing the turning lane at the end of Manning Drive. Please be aware that due to several complaints from surrounding houses, council parking inspectors are coming out weekly, and fines have been issued for cars that are inappropriately parked. Your cooperation is very much appreciated during this time.


Keep safe, and God bless



Mr Sam Cosentino
