Primary Life

Prep Buddies Begin at DCC 

Danielle Lupi and Helen Reid - Prep 

The yard was buzzing with the joyful sounds of chatter, laughter and squeals of delight. The Year 5s descended upon the Prep area and met their buddy for the first time. They ate lunch together and happily chatted as they got to know one another. 


The buddy program has been embraced by every student with great excitement. The Year 5s have been given this responsibility so they can develop a relationship over two years. The buddies will meet each week and then fortnightly, participating in activities such as reading, crafts and games.


The Prep students develop a sense of belonging, trust, security, a knowledge of expectations, social skills, confidence and independence. The Year 5s develop relationships, responsibility, learn how to serve others and discover a sense of purpose. They also help the Preps with learning the school rules, showing their buddies around the school, assisting them outside, helping them at the canteen, and simply being a friendly face out in the yard. 


This may be the start of a beautiful friendship that will last a lifetime.  

Year 3 ACMI Excursion

Hannah Simpkins - Year 3

Full of enthusiasm for their first excursion of the year, our Year 3s recently headed to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) to further their Inquiry into our Media in the Making unit.


Students became animators as they discovered the science behind animation and created their own short stop-motion films, using the same software the professionals use! We also got to explore The Story of the Moving Image exhibition where students got to read about the history of the moving image and immerse themselves in interactive experiences. They animated shadows, assembled film scenes, and even created soundscapes in a Foley studio. 

Leaders in the Making

Harry Foster - Year 6 

On Tuesday of Week 2, all our Primary Captains and level leaders for 2023 were presented with their badges. Throughout this year there are going to be many different opportunities for these students to show initiative, be creative, participate and lead within our Primary school. 


Each week these captains meet together to plan events and also conduct leadership training. This year our hope for this group is that they will develop a deeper understanding of what true Christian leadership looks like in action. We are very excited for all that God has in store for this group of emerging young leaders.  


Year 6 Flight Simulator Experience: A Journey Around Australia

As told by the Primary captains Claire and Janek


We as students are delighted to tell you about the flight simulator the Year 6s got to experience recently. Captain Harry Foster flew us through most of the main landmarks around Australia including Uluru, Darwin, Perth, Surfers Paradise, Sydney and our hometown, Melbourne.

Captain Harry Foster did some amazing barrel rolls on our simulated flight. We nearly crashed into a building, but in the end, he took us along the trip safely. Meanwhile “flight attendant” Sulari Nielsen told us lots of interesting facts about the landmarks and locations we visited. Some of the highlights of the trip were flying under the Sydney harbour bridge and over the opera house, as well as our touchdowns in Surfers Paradise, Perth and Essendon Airport where we ended our trip.


Check out our video to see more highlights of the day.

Flight Simulator 2023.mp4