School Noticeboard

Positions Available at MAG

Visit our website for further information regarding these fantastic job opportunities at MAG, click here

Volunteer Inductions

For those parents who would like to get involved in volunteer duties at our school, we remind you to attend one of the upcoming volunteer inductions on 

Thursday 16 February at 8:50am (drop off)

Friday 17 February at 3:05pm (pick up)

There will be further times throughout the term and these will be advertised via the newsletter.

Concessions, rebates and assistance

The NSW Government is assisting families and carers of school-enrolled children with a variety of concessions, rebates and assistance; For more information, eligibility and a full overview of all concessions, rebates and assistance available, click on the link below.


Creative Kids Voucher


Active Kids Voucher


Back to School Voucher



The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. NAPLAN is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools, teachers and parents can determine whether or not young Australians have the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.


NAPLAN tests are scheduled for a two-week period in Term 1, rather than Term 2. The Year 3 Writing test is paper based the other tests are all online. Our students will use their Chromebooks and complete the tests in their classrooms wearing headphones. Classroom teachers will be administering the tests and will go through all instructions beforehand. 


NAPLAN dates 

Wednesday 15th March Year 3 & 5 Writing Test 

Thursday 16th March Year 3 & 5 Reading Test 

Friday 17th March Year 3 & 5 Conventions of Language Test 

Monday 20th March Year 3 & 5 Numeracy Test


Parents wishing to have their child exempt from NAPLAN testing will need to meet with the relevant Head of Teaching and Learning (Primary/Secondary) and complete the ‘Parent/Carer consent for exemption and withdrawal’ form by 24 February 2023. 

Parent/carer consent for disability adjustments forms also need to be completed by 24 February 2023. Disability adjustment conversations are being discussed with student’s parent/carer by the relevant Head of Learning Diversity (Mrs Mel Scott Years 3 and 5 and Mr Kevin Turner Years 7 and 9)