Opportunities continue

As another term comes to an end


I am the very model of a modern Major General

I've information vegetable, animal and mineral

I know the kings of England and I quote the fights historical

From  Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical

I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical

About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot of news

With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse




“I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General” by WS Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan

from ‘The Pirates of Penzance’, sung by the Minions in Despicable Me 3

School Newsletter - Languages Other Than English

For the first time, our school newsletter is available in several different languages.  Our electronic newsletter can be translated by accessing the first page and clicking on the “translate” button.  We have a significant number of families who have language backgrounds other than English and we trust this new feature will be welcomed.

A New Model

The high school journey is a challenging one for every student.  In terms of my introductory quote, when reflecting on your own schooling you may recall a mish-mash of lessons on the differences between animals, vegetables and minerals, the history of the kings of England, important wars and battles, quadradic equations and finding the square of the hypotenuse.  From the perspective of students, the massive amount of content they are required to learn in disparate subjects can prevent students from seeing the bigger picture.  In addition, the vast number of subjects that students juggle at once can impede their learning.

We are currently examining a new model for Cecil Hills High School that would see students juggling less subjects at once, with fewer teachers and more opportunities during the week for students to study each subject.  These structural changes will simplify our curriculum structure and provide more of a pastoral case approach to supporting the academic needs of students.  At our P&C meeting in August, I will outline more details of this plan.  We are currently examining this model with teachers and we will consult with parents and students during Term 3.

Stymie - Report Bullying Online

Our launch of Stymie, the online tool for anonymously reporting bullying, has been extremely successful.  Students know they can report issues to the school if they see inappropriate behaviour as a bystander.  Everyone plays a part in ensuring we maintain our safe and respectful learning environment and the impact of Stymie so far has been very positive.



At the launch of Stymie, Rachel Downie delivered a thought-provoking and confronting presentation on teenagers and their use of technology.  As parents, it is vital that you are aware of the issues associated with technology use and misuse.  Rachel provided the following advice to parents:

  • children should check in their mobile phones with parents each night
  • mobile phones and other devices should not be taken into the bedroom
  • buy an old-fashioned alarm clock instead of using a mobile phone alarm
  • if you decide to give your child a mobile phone, know that you are giving your child the ability to access any website anywhere in the world from anywhere in the presence of anyone for any purpose
  • statistics show that an increasing proportion of teenagers engage in experimental and risk-taking behaviour online
  • set up a computer/study area in a communal area of the house such as a lounge room
  • bedrooms should be free of televisions and computers

Canteen update

In the past few months, we have been reviewing the current canteen menu with staff, students and parents.  There is a diversity of opinion as to what types of foods should and should not be served in a school canteen.  As a result of these discussions, we will make some changes to the canteen menu effective from Term 3.  The purpose of these changes is to ensure that we focus on healthy food and healthy habits which are so important in the teenage years.  The following items with no longer be available for sale: chips, confectionery, soft drink, slushies, hot dogs, hash browns, wedges, ice creams and noodles.  I encourage staff, students and parents to provide me with feedback on these changes once implemented.

P&C Meetings

Our next P&C meeting for 2017 will be at 6:30pm on Monday, 7 August 2017 with a repeat session at 9:30am on Thursday, 10 August 2017.  We always welcome input and feedback from parents and community members to ensure we are considering your perspectives when making decisions.


I look forward to continuing to work with the staff, students and parents of Cecil Hills High School, the best school in NSW.

Mark Sutton, Principal