Ancient Rome in Sydney

Year 7
by Loren Thai & Sophia Georgakopoulos 7M
This term, Year 7 students went on an excursion to the National Maritime Museum with our History teachers. We went to the Escape from Pompeii exhibition learnt all about life in Ancient Rome. We looked around with a tour guide dressed in a Roman toga. They showed us dead Roman people and animals entombed in ash from the eruption of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius. It was a bit disgusting! He also showed us parts of Roman battle ships, ancient Roman jewellery and the objects Romans had in their house. Next, we watched gladiator fights that was really fun. They taught us about what type of gladiators they were, what weapons they used and what armour they had.
We learnt about how Romans baked their bread and learnt why it was important to them and then we baked bread too! We used a recipe similar to the one Ancient Romans used and got to eat our bread on the way home. We had a really fun day and it was good to learn about Ancient Rome in a hands on way.