Refugee Week 2017

Together, let us all combine

Refugee Week

Refugee Week is an annual celebration of the contributions that refugees

and asylum seekers bring to Australia.  The 2017 theme is

'With courage let us all combine' .

We encourage all students to be a part of celebrating the courage of refugees and of people

who speak out against persecution and injustice.

Remember to always be kind to one another.  

Tree of Life Excursion

by Cassey Chau,  Year 9

On Thursday 22June, on a cold yet beautiful morning, 80 Year 9 students travelled from Cecil Hills High School to the Casula Powerhouse Museum… done with assessment tasks and free from exams. When we all arrived, we had a quick snack, and off we went to the Treehouse theatre. It was amazing; the theatre was dark and mysterious, and I had a good laugh with my friends. However, the best part of this excursion was definitely the Tree of Life performance. It certainly opened my eyes to the harsh, ruthless experiences of what refugees and asylum seekers had to face before coming to Australia. It felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster, as so many different individuals shared so many different stories. Some were so funny I couldn’t stop laughing, and some had a happy ending I couldn’t stop smiling. Others, unfortunately, really broke me. One particular story that saddened me was when Abdulhaq and Shukrulla’s dad left them to seek asylum in Australia. It really hit me, as I could never imagine a life without my dad. Some of the performers weren’t even living in Australia for more than a year… insane right? All these stories made me realise that I take things for granted and that I am lucky I was raised in a safe, tranquil environment; living in countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan must be the complete opposite. Nonetheless, despite all these heart-breaking stories, I came out of the Treehouse Theatre with a better understanding of the traumatizing, yet wonderful journeys these refugees/asylum seekers have been through. After the performance, we said goodbye to the performers, and we had lunch until the bus came. A captivating experience it was, an eye-opening experience it was, and an experience year 9 will never forget.

Tree of Life excursion
Tree of Life excursion
Tree of Life excursion
Tree of Life excursion

Our stories

This short video was created by two of our Year 11 students

The theme for Refugee Week is “With courage let us all combine”. ​ Taken from the second verse of the national anthem, the theme celebrates the courage of refugees and of people who speak out against persecution and injustice.  It serves as a call for unity and for positive action, encouraging Australians to improve our nation’s welcome for refugees and to acknowledge the skills and energy refugees bring to their new home.


by Ourgina Aziz  - Syria – Year 11

I fled my torn war country Syria in 2013.,  I recall the day I was walking home with my friend. While talking and laughing we noticed a black ISIS car approach us. The car was filled with men dressed in black with guns in their hands. We were so afraid but we kept walking. I saw that they drove off and we ran all the way home. After that incident we decided to leave Syria for Lebanon. After many years of hardship we arrived in Australia in 2015. I love my new home,  Australia.  


by Muataz Abdulzahra  - Iraq – Year 8

I am from Iraq, the most unsafe country for any human. My people in Iraq are fleeing their homes but it is sad some do not get out alive. I was one of the lucky ones to escape in 2014 in spite of being shot in the arm. That was my life in Iraq but I have left all that behind and I am determined now to start new in Sydney Australia.


by Rabina Aziz  - Syria – Year 7

I am a Syrian girl aged 13 years. I left Syria in 2013 as life in Syria was unsafe for my family. I watched people get shot and houses burn. I left that life behind and today live in Sydney and love the people. I feel safe here.


Moayad Sabbagh  - Syria – Year 7

I fled my home country Syria in 2014, in the hope to find a safe place to live because in Syria there is a very brutal war going on. It’s awful, disgraceful and scary. Now I feel safe in Australia and call it home.