MESC Learning Commons

The MESC Learning Commons incorporates both the Library and Information & Communication Technology areas of the College.  The Learning Commons is open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm and closed on Friday at recess for staff meetings.


If you are looking for help with your research, setting up your new iPad or computer, writing a bibliography, resetting your password and getting on the network, or just need something to do at lunchtime then this is the place to be.


Students are only permitted to use their ipads, netbooks and other devices for games and/or YouTube, in the Learning Commons during recess and lunchtime on Tuesday and Thursday.  All other days will be 'technology free' as a way of encouraging them to get involved in other activities and engage with fellow students.


Students will continue to be able to complete school work at all times and we will be monitoring the use of technology for this purpose.  As always we are available to assist if necessary.


Together with a well rounded collection of fiction and non-fiction resources, we offer a variety of lunchtime activities for students to enjoy - chess, magazines, board games, jigsaw puzzles, and a place to relax.


Our MESC Learning Commons (Library) website offers a variety of information sources to assist students (and staff) with their studies. - how to write a bibliography, research tips, accessing newspapers, using ClickView (video programs), book reviews and more...


We have been celebrating 'Library Lovers' Month' during February with our displays and a fun 'Blind Date with a Book' collection for students to select from.

Between Covers Book Club  will be on at Tuesday  lunchtime.  All students are welcome to join in discussions about books, authors, series, play games related to books, and get involved in other fun activities.  BYO lunch and book.


Congratulations to the following students who are our 2017 Library Monitors -

Year 8

Isabelle York - Library Captain

Poppy Baldwin

Holly Bromage

Nikola Jerulmane

Emily Jones

Olivia Shillington

Year 7

Samuel Bradford

Ruby Davies

Matthew Dumas

Paige McCulloch

Isabelle Mellish

Kaitlyn Meyers