Principal's Report

Principal's Report
The ability to choose subjects to study is an exciting time for students and parents, but it can also lead to some trepidation. Last Tuesday we held our Subject Selection information evening to help with these decisions. We started with Year 8 students and parents hearing information about the twenty-one elective subjects we offer to our Stage 5 students. The message was very clear, that these offer an opportunity to explore interests in greater detail and develop more in depth related skills and knowledge to a much greater depth. With our Year 10 students looking towards Senior studies, the process becomes far more serious. With forty-two school delivered courses plus a multitude of courses offered by TAFE, the choices become quite complex. The evening was an opportunity for students and parents to explore the implications of subject choices for future career aspirations, university and TAFE study and personal satisfaction. With subject experts available from all school faculties, plus representatives from University and TAFE present, there were plenty of opportunities to discuss all the options.
On Wednesday 1 August Cowra High hosted an Industry Breakfast. This was an event to inform to inform local industry of the advantages of becoming involved in a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBATs). It was very pleasing to see representatives from a broad spectrum of industries ranging from disability services to mechanical trades. The advantages of a SBAT to both the students and employer are huge. Completing recognized industry training while the student completes their HSC was a concept that was new to some, while others were quite experienced. I was particularly pleased by the positive response from those present. I hope to see more students and employers take up these opportunities in the future. If you have a child moving into Year 11 in 2019 who might be interested, please direct them to our Careers Advisor Mrs Williams. Thank you to Ms Gresty and our Hospitality students for their excellent catering for the breakfast.
I want to wish our Bill Turner Soccer team the best of luck in their next round of the competition. They will be playing in Albury on Wednesday as one of the final 16 boys’ teams from over 400 from across Australia. I think all can agree, regardless of Wednesday’s outcome they have gotten to a level they can be rightly proud of reaching.
Displaying the diversity of Cowra High students, Wednesday night 8 August provides you with the opportunity to experience our talented dancers at the premier of the 2019 Syncronicity. Anyone who has attended a past evening of Dance with Cowra High students will be aware that you will be in for an outstanding evening of Dance. Come along to the Civic Centre on Wednesday evening. All proceeds will go directly to supporting our Dance and Drama students attending the NSW Schools Spectacular.
Have a great fortnight
Charles Gauci
PBL Winners
Congratulations to our students for their continual efforts with respect and responsibility. Thank you to our sponsors for their continual support. The students really appreciate it!!
Please click on the link below and view the wonderful video of NAIDOC Day put together by Miss Vaughan. Enjoy!!