From the Religious 


We seek Christ in the present so that we may know and love him more fully in the future. How do we seek Christ now? Perhaps the following proverb may help.

I sought my God; my God I could not see.

I sought my soul; my soul eluded me.

I sought my neighbour, and I found all three.

Virtual Vinnies Christmas Gathering!

Date: Wednesday, 1st December 2021

Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm

Details: This event is a great opportunity for students to engage in lots of virtual games and activities, connect with other schools and have FUN! Please find attached the Gathering Run Sheet and Invitation/Social Media Graphic with more information

RVSP: Registration closes on Monday, 22nd November. A Zoom link will be sent out on 29th November for registered teachers to join. If you, or another staff member, are available to stay back at school to oversee the students on the afternoon of the event, please sign up using this link:  


Prepare for Advent- Spiritual Wellbeing Newsletter: Issue no. 7 

November is traditionally the month in which the Church remembers Her dead, and in a special way we are invited to remember our family, friends and loved ones who have died, especially those who have passed in the last twelve months.

Please enter the details of your loved ones below. These thoughts and prayers will be recorded in our online Book of Remembrance.

A special bicentennial memento from Archbishop Anthony Fisher

71,000 students across Sydney Catholic Schools will receive a special memento from Archbishop Anthony Fisher to mark the 200th anniversary of Catholic education in Australia. Also, it will serve as an ongoing reminder of the presence of God, now and throughout their lives.