Principal's Message

2022 Student Leadership Team

Leadership is integral to lifelong learning. All students in their final year of primary school need to be given the opportunity to demonstrate and develop leadership skills. Positive student leadership opportunities and experiences will facilitate the transition to secondary school and the world beyond. On Monday 29 November the year 5 children will go through the process of selecting the 2022 Student Leadership Team, School Captain, Vice Captain and Colour House Leaders (Mercy, MacKillop, O'Sullivan).


Special attention is given to the leadership development of each Year 6 student. As the senior class, the example of these students has a huge impact on the younger students. For this reason, all Year 6 students take responsibility for leading school prayer and assemblies and are involved in a school leadership committee. They also have the chance to achieve the Pope Francis Award by doing service in the school, parish and wider community.


These positions are very important and are highly regarded within the school community. Galilee has a set of criteria and expectations for leadership positions within the school, as students holding leadership positions in Year 6 will be ambassadors for our school and role models to our students. We look forward to seeing our potential leaders deliver their speeches next week.  


Here is an excerpt from our school Student Leadership Policy about these important leadership roles. These are just some of the leadership opportunities available to students at our school.



  • Model the school values of LOVE, HOPE, COURAGE & GENEROSITY. 
  • Represent the school at important functions or activities
  • Personal Qualities: Co-operation, personal appearance, manners, and honesty
  • School Spirit: Attendance and enthusiasm, initiative
  • Take forward the needs, views and suggestions of the students
  • Report to the school community
  • Promote an hospitable and welcoming school environment

Semester 2 2021 Student Reports 

Classroom teachers are completing a range of assessments with their classes over these weeks of Term 4 and will shortly be writing the Semester 2 Student Reports. We plan to have the Semester 2 Student Reports available online via the Compass Portal on Friday 10 December 2021.

PAT Testing

During weeks 5 and 6, Year 2 to Year 6 students at Galilee have been participating in the Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) in Reading Comprehension, Mathematics and eWrite. 


PAT tests are designed to assess each student’s current capability against the appropriate standard for their age and is a valuable source of information on each student’s development. 


Teachers use the PAT data in Maths and English and as moderation to ensure that our classroom assessment of each student is accurate. Teachers also use the results to track each student’s development from year to year. This information is another useful tool for identifying students requiring extra support or extension in their studies. The PAT testing process has been explained to all of the students, and has not be seen as a stressful assessment. Rather students have been encouraged to view the tests as a way for teachers to learn more about their capabilities and then design learning programs that will help them improve. 

Amadeus Music Instrument Program – Fun choosing Instruments!

There was lots of excitement in the current Years 2 to 5 classrooms last week as these students (who will be in Years 3 to 6 next year) participated in a special presentation to assist them learn more about the amazing range of instruments that will be available in Galilee next year. Students then completed a preferences form to choose a brass, woodwind or stringed instrument to learn to play in 2022 as part of the Amadeus Music program.

Homework Club comes to Galilee in 2022

Sydney Catholic Early Childhood Services (SCECS) will cease operating in St Anne's hall in 2022. In place, Galilee will run a Homework Club from Monday to Friday afternoon. Homework Club will be supervised by a paid teacher and paid learning support officer (LSO). The teacher and LSO will supervise homework each day along with a fitness program and other creative activities including music, cooking and art. The children will also be given the opportunity to have free choice after homework. Afternoon tea will be provided. Homework Club will run from St Anne's hall so parents and carers will access through the Oakley Road gate. 

Home Readers

We have a number of home readers and library books missing. Please have a look at home and return books to the class teacher or library. 

We invite all our Galilee families to:

Need a school hat?



Anna Novak
