
Click here for a copy of the Covid-Safe Plan
MACS Update (19th November)
Dear parents and carers,
The Victorian Government has announced important changes to the management of COVID-19 cases and close contacts in schools and other settings as we reach the 90% double dose milestone for eligible people in the coming days.
This means that students who are exposed persons (previously identified as close contacts in education settings) from an exposure at school, no longer have to quarantine for between 7 and 14 days. They can instead return immediately to school after providing evidence of a negative result from a standard PCR test to our school.
In exceptional circumstances the Department of Health may determine that close contacts in significant school outbreaks are still required to quarantine for seven days. In this scenario, students will be notified directly of any additional quarantine arrangements.
As your child is currently in quarantine as a contact, you are now able to send your child back to school if you follow these steps:
- your child isn’t a household contact and is instead in quarantine due to a COVID-19 exposure at a school setting
- your child must get a standard test at your local COVID-19 testing site. If the PCR test is negative, please provide the results to our school
- your child can then return to school
- your child will be strongly recommended to take a rapid antigen test at home on days each school weekday morning until you run out of tests. These testing kits will be available from testing centres from Monday 22 November.
Rapid antigen tests are strongly recommended for those students who have returned a negative PCR result and return to school.
They are a great tool for families to use to keep our school safe and ensure that positive cases are identified at the earliest possible time. You will get a pack of five tests and you should use them each day before your child attends school until you run out.
Families should also use a rapid antigen test whenever their child is visiting a high-risk location or setting during this period. This includes visiting elderly or immunocompromised relatives or friends.
Thank you for supporting this important approach, which will help keep our school safe and reduce the disruption to the entire school community.
Safe Return To School