Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

Strategic Review

Over the last 2 weeks (just to add to the year we have had!) the school has undergone a full scale review. This happens to every school in Victoria every 4 years, enabling schools to review the past 4 years and plan for the coming 4 years. It was a very comprehensive process. I am extremely pleased to report it was extremely successful with a very positive "pat on the back" to our whole community. One of the highlights was the high regard that was expressed for the teacher expertise in our school and the calm and motivating learning environment at both campuses.

I would like to sincerely thank all my teachers and the parents who participated in this process. A huge thank you to our School Council president, Erin McGill, for taking time out of her professional duties to be part of the Review and to the parents who gave up their time to contribute to the Review discussions.

Fantastic team effort by everyone.

End of Year Activities

 We want to ensure that we limit the risk of any COVID cases so all students can remain at school until the end of the year and all families are able to experience Christmas without being in quarantine. To do this we will need to make some modifications and cancel some events. It is unfortunate that our students will not be able to experience some of the events we had planned, but I think the main objective at this stage, is to keep all students on site for their learning till the end of the 2021 school year. Please be understanding if your child's excursion has been cancelled - refunds/credits will be organised. We are currently trying to  organise some incursions for the junior grades as an alternative to leaving the school. 

Grade 6 Graduation will go ahead but the format is currently being investigated. As soon as we can, we will let parents know the outcome.

Please note that all of our decisions are made after careful thought and our main aim is to keep our students as safe as possible during these times.

Please feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions or would like some more clarification.

Assembly link

Live YouTube streaming of our assembly will be available from 3 pm Friday using the link below.

This week we will acknowledge our Stars of the Week and will make some other friendly reminders.

Face Masks

We are  getting a large number of students coming to the office for masks. Please ensure your child has their mask when they leave home (exemptions excluded). A box of 50 children's masks can be purchased at the school office for $12.00 or you can purchase a reusable washable mask for $10.