Principal’s Message

Mr Nick Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,


I sincerely hope you have been able to stay safe over the past week. I know it has been a very challenging time for our families, especially those on the land, so please do not hesitate to contact us here at school if we can help in any way. Fingers crossed the forecast rain over the next few days does not eventuate and we will see this peak come and go very quickly.


The school will continue to operate for those students who are able to get here. We are a little short staffed with our Gunnedah teachers unable to reach us for the moment, but we are still able to operate with two classes whilst ever the Narrabri road is open. We will continue to upload work to the Remote Learning site this week for families wishing and able to access online work for their children. This work is definitely not compulsory, please only do what you are willing and able. If you have no access to internet or sufficient hardware, simply doing some reading and writing at home will be more than enough to keep brains ticking over. 

We need to change the date of our Presentation Assembly due to a few events which clash. Therefore, the Presentation Assembly will be held at 9.30am on Tuesday 7 December. Due to COVID restrictions, we cannot allow parents onsite, however, we will be holding this assembly under the COLA and we invite parents to view the awards from outside the school gates in a socially distanced manner. COVID restrictions have not allowed us to prepare for a musical performance this year, therefore the assembly will only see the presentation of end of year awards. It is anticipated the assembly will be approximately 30 minutes in duration. 


The 2022 transition program was  launched last Wednesday for students beginning Kindergarten in 2023. The program looks a little different next year, however we are still committed to ensuring that our students will be more than ready for the rigours of school life at the end of the program. In 2022, Mrs Baird will lead the transition sessions, meaning our students will have the chance to work on early literacy and numeracy development. If you know of any parents who have children starting Kindergarten in 2023, please pass on this information.  Please contact the office if you have any questions about the transition program or wish to obtain an information package.

The transition program will commence in Week 1 of Term 2 next year, with 25 sessions through until Week 5 of Term 4. Please note, sessions will be held on a Thursday in 2022. There will be an opportunity for parents to view the school and the infants literacy block in Term 1 next year with an information session to follow. 


Enrolment interviews will be held in Term 2 with all students in transition needing to be fully enrolled by the start of Term 3. 




Have a great week!
