
Wellbeing News

What can parents do to help improve their child’s behaviour?


· Set up a rule and give only one warning, offering an opportunity for your child to change their behaviour.


· Use clever and creative ways to enforce consequences if your child has not changed their behaviour. These are more effective alternatives to shouting. Eg. Give your child’s pocket money to their sibling. Or for older children who are fashion conscious, ‘Shoe Jail’- take away one shoe for one week so they can’t wear their favourite pair of shoes! Be consistent and follow through.


· Do not put up with disrespect from your child. Respond by saying, ‘That is really disrespectful,’ and walk away. Do not shout back at your child. You can offer them to have the final say before you discuss it later.


Be present with your children: one-on-one time is priceless.

· Ditch the digital devices.

· Listen to your child’s teachers - they have objectivity.

· Try for quality time with children. Ten minutes of quality one-on -one time every day builds a sense of security.

· As you are tucking your child into bed, ask them to tell you three good things that happened that day and why. Great life advice for your child: If you can’t change something you can change the way you think about it.


Please see flyer below for more helpful tips