Teaching and Learning

Room 9

In room 9 we have been learning about reconciliation. We discussed why it is important for us to commemorate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We have researched the reconciliation timeline of Australia, as well as reflecting on Kevin Rudd’s Sorry Day Speech. We talked about how we would feel if we were a part of the stolen generation and taken away from our families.  

To honour reconciliation week, room 9 created a reconciliation timeline beginning in 1932 until now. This timeline includes all of the important events that have led to change in the way we respect and take pride in our first nations people.

Japanese News






Did you know that each year the students in year 4-7 get a chance to move through the Karate Belt Reading Program? This is a leveled program that allows the students to demonstrate their ability to recognise the Hiragana characters and read them in both simple and complex words.  


The students work at their own pace to practice and request a reading level test. If the characters are in the student’s long term memory they often find they can move through to Black Belt in no time at all! We have just begun to work through our levels for this year. Why not ask your child what belt level they are working on!  


Meanwhile Room 10 showed great persistence and made a huge amount of 'Kabuto' samurai helmets to create their gigantic 'Koi' fish! The koi fish is a symbol of persistence and courage in Japan and now Room 10 have their very own to inspire them in their learning each and every day. The ‘Koi’ never gives up! Well done Room 10!









PE News

The past couple of weeks in PE, students in R-3 have enjoyed the challenge of creating their own games and activities. They are in the process of designing, practising and then teaching their games to their classes. I have been very impressed with all students and their creativity in creating engaging activities. The photo attached is a game Zara, Lexi, Keira and Amelia from room 8 created called ‘Slidey Widey”.Students in years 4-7 are completing a unit of sport on Volleyball.


I’m hoping to get more sport news to you when competitions start back up again. Stay tuned.


Marley Reid

PE Teacher