Curiosity Closure Day & Holidays

Just a friendly reminder that on Monday the 29th of June Curiosity ELC will not be open due to a Professional Learning Closure Day.  This is the first day of the 3 week School Holiday period.  A letter to nominate our child's attendance will be coming home next week for you to fill out and return even if you are choosing to not change your child's bookings please.


Being a Long Day Care Centre, it is extremely important that our team of Educators are given the opportunity to 'prioritise time to develop professional learning networks to ensure that our educators are working within evidence-based practices for the benefit of our children' (Curiosity ELC Statement of Philosophy, p. 4).  Having a dedicated team that work cross over shifts does not allow us to meet together as a collective, so it is for the benefit of our learning community that are staff are given time to develop their skills and challenge their own thinking.


We do apologise for any convenience that this may cause you and thank you for your understanding as our team of amazing Educators have time to network and learn alongside our colleagues at Good Shepherd.


Please note that ALL Holiday forms MUST be in by Monday the 15th of June.  Changes will not be able to be made after this date so please ensure you plan ahead.  Thank you to over 80% of our families who have already responded.  Amazing!