Can't Wait to See You!
A message from Emily and Nicole.
Can't Wait to See You!
A message from Emily and Nicole.
To our Amazing Echuca Twin Rivers School Community - Hang in There!
Whoa! What a roller coaster of emotions we are currently riding. Are you feeling them?
Maybe a mixture of anxiety, fear, calm, chaos, anger, sadness, happiness, relaxed, stressed, gratitude...
Pretty soon, life will return to some sort of ‘normal.’ It might not be the normal we are used to, but in fact a ‘NEW NORMAL.’ And you know what? We can have some control over what this looks like for us.
As the transition back to school is upon us next week, a good routine is one way to help us get back on track or move forward into this next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Particularly - sleep, water andhealthy food can do wonders for both our bodies and our minds.
Here are some weekend plans and ideas mapped out for you – if you choose!
Family dinner
Reflection on our time at home together. Take turns to answer the following questions:
What has been enjoyed? What bits did everyone love?
What hasn’t been so enjoyable? What are you happy to leave behind?
Have you (maybe even unknowingly) made new routines or rituals that have happily been adopted in the home? Will these continue?
Get active! Walk, bike ride, scooter around the block or walking tracks
Game night! Play a board game, or maybe something like Charades
Get creative! Tap into your inner artist.
Bake something, draw something, build something.
Movie night – get some popcorn if you can!
Mindfulness Monday - Practice some mindful activities.
What do you like to do to look after yourself? Here’s some ideas...
Listen to Music, Have a hot bath, Read a book, Colour In, Play with a pet
Gratitude – being thankful. Before you go to bed tonight, say or write down 3 things that you are grateful for. Here’s some ideas:
Family, Friends, Pets, Learning
We are SO looking forward to seeing all of our P-2 students on Tuesday! And we CANNOT WAIT to have our whole school community back together on June 9.
Take care and stay strong,
Nicole and Emily
ETRS Wellbeing Officers