This Week at Twin Rivers
Remote/Flexible Learning
Check out some great examples of remote/flexible learning from this week. Thank you to the staff and families who have provided these fabulous photos.
Week 5 ' Purple Challenge' Collages
Celebrating Whole School Writing Moderation
This week students participated in a whole school writing moderation – If you could choose any animal for a class pet, what would you choose and why?
Here are some of their fabulous pieces of writing outlining which pet they would choose and why. Writing by Josie, Lilly T, Blyss, Lily I and Clinton.
Some fabulous Art work from Grade 1 and 2 - Students have been word detectives and using technology to represent words that interested them in different ways about 'People who help us in our Community'.
- Lilly T, Heath, Josie, Charlee M, Clinton, Chase and Piper.
Preps have been busy creating 3D houses for The Three Little Pigs, have continued to work on their writing skills and are becoming number detectives as they have learnt their teen numbers. Wonderful work from Aiden, Alexis, Hannah, Isaiah, Jaiden and Sabryna.