Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

Independent Learning

In 2020, Remote Learning taught us to be agile and flexible in our approach to teaching and learning, to meet the needs of each one of our students. One of the exciting outcomes was observing our students grow in their capacity to study independently. There are three types of study:

  1. reactive study (work set in class)
  2. homework (work set by your teachers) 
  3. proactive study (work set by the student)

I am pleased to announce that on Thursday 20th May we will trial an Independent Study Day for our students in Years 10-12. We have many students representing the College at ICCES Athletics and attending important VCE Excursions that day. It presents the perfect opportunity to trial an independent study day, especially as revision will predominate class content for all senior classes so as not to disadvantage absent students. Year 10-12 will be given the choice to either come to school and receive the benefit of 1:1 conversation with their teachers in class or they may choose to converse online through Teams from home or they may just choose to work independently either at school or at home. 

Classes will run as normal for all senior teaching staff and Years 7-9. Boarders must come to Chaucer St as no supervision will be provided at the Boarding House. 

Buses will run as normal, as will the tuckshop and after school academic assistance. The day will begin with mentor meetings. Some of the Executive team will be in the library and supervise the independent study of any students who choose to come to school to work.

Important Teaching and Learning notes:

  • We have just under three weeks until Mid-Year Examinations begin for Years 7-11. (Week 7)
  • Students will receive a timetable next week and they can begin to plan their study and revision program.
  • NAPLAN has been successfully completed, under the excellent leadership of Julia Winter Cooke, Head of Middle Years, Ben Hawthorne, James Kruger and Wendy Henderson. We thank our parent body for supporting us during this week of testing.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning