Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 9 Term 3

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today we celebrate the Feast day of St Teresa of Calcutta. Her life and work with the poor remind us that we must act as Christ did so that others may not only hear His words but may see Him in everything we do. She worked tirelessly to spread the message that we all can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa is a living symbol of love and compassion. Let us ask ourselves: What does this look like and sound like in our lives? How do we portray this to our children? How can we do small things with great love this week? 

New School Vision 

During last Term’s pupil-free day, we recreated the St Fidelis School's Vision, Mission and Core values. It was a recommendation that came out of our 2020 school review. That day was busy but productive. With the voices of the staff, parents and students we were able to write a new vision, mission and core values statement that we believe encompasses our school community. Throughout the term, our students have engaged in learning that has helped them unpack our school vision and core values. They have documented what each of these values represents to the learning community of St Fidelis. They have also created a symbol that represents each of these core values. 


We are excited to present our new Vision, Mission, and Core Values statements to the school community at our school assembly on Wednesday 7th, September at 9 am. We invite all members of the school community to join us. 

Father’s Day Celebrations 

I would like to extend a big thank you to the Parents and Friends committee for their hard work organising the Father’s Day stall and breakfast as part of our Father’s day celebrations. Especially to Rebecca, Lucy and all the mothers that supported them this week. We also thank the Village Bakery and Family, Food, Passion Waffles and Coffee Van for their continued support of our school events.   


I am very grateful that we could gather as a school community, as it has been the first time in two years. It was a great turnout and a wonderful morning with all the dads engaging with their children in various activities. 


Last week the students attended the online ceremony for the STEM MAD National Showcase. I am proud to announce that CLEO the Whale won the Primary schools Sustainability category. A big congratulations to Catherine, Scarlett, Ethan and Connor for the efforts and hard work with their prototype and a big thank you to Luca for supporting the team with their design for Nationals. Of course, thank you to Mr Frazetto for his continued support and dedication to our students. They could have done it with you. We are beyond proud of your efforts. Enjoy the showcase this week. 


Although the weather is still a bit up and down, the UV levels are rising. As of today, 5th September, we expect all students to wear their hats when outside. We also encourage parents to ensure that children are wearing sunscreen when appropriate. It's time to find your child's school hat or purchase a new one! 

MACSIS Survey 

Just a reminder that parents were sent the 2022 MACSISS survey via email last week. MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts of families about how their schools can improve. Thank you to families who have already responded. If you have time, we would greatly appreciate your feedback and participation in the survey. The survey will be open until Friday, 16th September

School Fees Due 

I ask that all families pay their school fees as I have noticed only 30% of families are up to date with their payments. The school fees ensure that the school can meet the ongoing costs that the school occurs. 


Have your circumstances changed? Are you not returning to St. Fidelis in 2023? Please contact the office before the end of Term 3 to discuss your intentions. I have a waiting list of other families for different year levels. I can offer your child’s position to other families. 

Date Change

Please note the date change of the School Closure Date in Term Four due to the availability of the facilitator. Here are the revised dates for School Closure Days  Term Four: 

DATE: Monday 31st November   (NO CHANGE) 

FOCUS: Report Writing Day 


FOCUS: Additional Professional Practice Day- Kath Murdoch Inquiry 


Have a wonderful week, 

Vira Pirrotta 


Our school does rely on school fees for many recurrent costs so prompt payment is appreciated. 


The office is open from 8:30 to 4:00 pm each day if you would like to pay in person. 


Please use the Direct Debit bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly. 

Internet Banking

CDF(Catholic Development Fund)
BSB083 347 
Account65 603 6380
REF:Child's Name fee account number
ACCOUNT TO:St Fidelis Primary School
EMAIL ADDRESS:annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au

Please note once you have made a payment can you email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au  with the amount you have deposited.