Leadership Centre


Imagine never getting stuck for narrative writing again!? Well, that’s what Michael Wagner taught us on Tuesday with his ‘Instant Plot Machine'. It was great to use this formula to think of a Protagonist(s), Problem/Goal, Antagonist(s), and Three Endings (up, down, and ironic). With this plot machine, students used different word and picture prompts to brainstorm ideas using these overarching ideas. The 5/6 students had to think of three possible endings they could use to conclude the story. The ‘up ending’ meant problem solved/ happy ending, the ‘down ending’ meant problem not solved and finally, the ‘ironic ending’ meant the problem was only partly solved. Students also used images of a brightly colored pink bedroom and a messy chef’s kitchen to write a short paragraph using the 5 senses. 


Here are a couple of examples 

  • Emma O - I step into a pink wonderland of my five year old sister's domain. As always the lingering scent of her Barbie perfume invades my nose. 
  • Brock W - The restaurant's kitchen looked like a tornado had wrecked the place and splattered food everywhere. Bubbling pots and pans, plates everywhere, food surrounding the counters. The sound of ticking timers from the toasters, to the sounds of the constant slam of the fridges opening was sure to leave a bad taste in your mouth. 

Thank you for a great incursion Micheal, we can’t wait to see how the students include these ideas into their narratives and other writing pieces in the near future. 


In Reading sessions, there was a heavy focus on Michael Wagner and exploring a few of his texts in preparation and following on from the incursion. Students discussed similar themes and strategies Michael uses to engage his readers and evoke feelings and emotions. A popular lesson from last week was when students explored humor in texts, like in Michael Wagner’s book- ‘Little Ned’. Students explored the use of humorous language and in particular, puns. To further their understanding of this strategy, students had a go at creating their own puns or finding humor within their own text. A favourite from 5/6C was one linked with our class novel- The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind, thanks for finding this one Stella- “Renewable energy? I’m a big fan”. Do you have a favourite pun?  

During Maths sessions this week, the Leadership Centre began a new unit on Statistics and Probability. As a warm up to the topic, students had a choice when choosing a ‘basketball’ themed skill to collect data on. For example, how many passes in a minute or how many goals in out of ten trials. Students worked collaboratively when recording data 

and began to represent their data in different ways, such as a line graph using excel spreadsheets. We will continue looking at this topic for the remainder of the term and explore the likelihood of events, converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, and viewing expected vs observed data. How do you use data in real life? What is the purpose behind a good understanding of statistics and chance? These are questions students will be unpacking over the final two weeks of term. 

Some happy Hooptime snaps!!

We hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoys Week 9! 

The Leadership Centre 


  • Tissue boxes are encouraged! 
  • District Athletics - Wednesday the 7th of September 

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Iris B -

Iris for demonstrating a love of learning when embracing all learning tasks. You have really challenged yourself to produce work to a very high standard and seeking out your peers to extend your knowledge. Thanks for showing a wonderful attitude Iris! 


5/6C: Jarvis G -

For using creativity and bravery when presenting your ‘Shark Tank’ idea during our Guided Inquiry Immersion session. Your Wheel-o-matic idea was innovative and you showed careful consideration for your presentation. I can’t wait to see your next invention, next term, Jarvis! 


5/6D: Abigail K -

Well done on using your love of learning when creating a narrative to be published in the school library! It was awesome to see you challenge yourself and utilise feedback. I cant wait to read your finished story, amazing work Abigail! 


5/6EB: Samantha K -

For demonstrating curiosity and love of learning when writing your Information report on the Banana Ball snake. It was great to see you using ambitious vocabulary and exaggeration in your writing to capture the attention of your audience. Well done Sammy!


5/6W: Tyrone K -

For demonstrating perseverance when participating in learning experiences this week. It was great to see you take some responsible risks! Well done, Tyrone!