Principal's Message

Term 3 Week 9 2022

Thank you Parents and Friends 

What a week!

Lots of details through out our newsletter in Learning Centre entries to our P&F page to highlight just how grateful we are for all the support from parents and carers.

This week alone, Parents and Friends helped us with Classroom Helpers with reading, Great Book Swap organisation, PMP, ICE, Hoop Time basketball coaching and team management for our Senior School, School Disco, Father's Day/Special Person's Stall, Headlice Program and Assembly audience. Wow, what a list! Without all this help we would not be able to run many of these programs for your children, so .... thank you.

Kinder Buddies

Our second session of Kinder/Year 4 buddies ran last week with lots of excitement as students entered the classrooms for the second time. This reaffirmed the value of the buddies connection as Kinder students get to experience the classroom spaces and make connections with 'big kids'

Great Book Swap

The  Great Book Swap is this Thursday! We have a fantastic range of picture and chapter books including such titles as:

Throughout the day all grades will visit the book swap. Each child will be given the opportunity to exchange a gold coin donation for their chosen book.

At the end of the school day (3:35pm), parents are encouraged to bring their child to the hall if they wish to choose a 2nd book. An OSHClub staff member will also ensure interested students can attend. We also have a few books for adults, on offer for parents. 

We also have a few books for adults, on offer for parents.

All the money we raise as part of our Great Book Swap will go towards providing resources to organisations in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities such as schools, libraries and play groups

huge thanks to our school community for donating such a fabulous range of books and to our wonderful parent helpers for not only sorting but helping staff the book swap!

Welcome to Reception - Jane and Teresa

Jane has joined Ally in Reception, moving from classroom support to administration for the remainder of the year. Jane has been at MPRPS&K for 16 years and it's lovely to see her supporting students with First Aid, working the phones and photocopier in our Reception. Jane brings her smile to everything she does. 

Welcome to Teresa Burdeu as our relief Business Manager while Sue is on leave. Teresa has made a smooth transition to MPRPS and brings a great deal of expertise to the office. We are grateful for all she is managing for us at the moment.

Investigate, Create, Express Program Showcase!

After 8 weeks of investigating, creating, and expressing, the I.C.E Showcase is finally here! Families are welcome to join us for a few presentations at 2:30pm in the hall this Friday the 9th of September. From 2:30-3:00pm we will have performances from Auslan, Dance and Musical Ensemble groups before students move into the Senior Building from 3:00-3:20pm to share all about their creations with you!  

P & F Whole School Disco

Huge shout out to our very own Disco Daisy who got the Kinder students  and parents up and dancing all the way through to our 5/6 students. 

Thankyou to our Parents and Friends for organising the photo booth, glow sticks and payments. Much appreciation is extended to 

Flip, Leonie, Heidi, 

I know that students appreciated their teachers attending on a Friday night, as they take time out of their own families lives to support everyone to have a good time.

Home Talk - School Vision

It has been wonderful to see all the amazing representations of our school vision from Foundation to Grade 6. The Home Talk was the perfect opportunity to encourage students to discuss what this vision meant to them and have input from all our families too. The pictures highlight what is important to students and families, with some very clear messages coming through! All pictures will be displayed in the foyer for the whole school community to see. We will use the students' work to help build a shared school vision.

Child Safe Update

Child Safe Standards build on existing school policies, and strengthen the work across Victorian schools and Kindergartens.  MPRPS & K is committed to the protection of all children from all forms of child abuse. 

Meeting the Standards is about considering the needs of all children, particularly those who may be vulnerable due to age, family circumstances, abilities, or indigenous, cultural or linguistic backgrounds.

All members of our community share the responsibility for keeping our students safe so if you have concerns for a child’s safety you must take action. 

Below are three new and updated policies:

Child Safe Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures


Volunteers Policy

Visitors Policy 

When policies are reviewed many are shared with teachers, Education Support staff, students, School Council and leadership and also aligned with new regulation changes. These will be uploaded to our school website.

An important change to the Volunteers and Visitors Policies is that School Council has approved that anyone visiting the school or people engaged in child-connected work are required to undertake a Working with Children Check (WWCC) to ensure that volunteers and visitors are adequately screened, considering the child safety risks relevant to the person’s role. WWCC can be applied for online and are free if a person is volunteering, you just need to enter the school as the place you are volunteering. If anyone has any issues or needs help in applying please see Reception.