Assistant Principal's Page

Student Free Day - Tuesday 12th March

A reminder to parents and students that the College will be running a professional learning day on the teaching of literacy and numeracy on Tuesday 12th March. While all staff will be present on this date, they will be involved in sessions throughout the day. As a consequence, no classes will be held on that day.

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the General Office on 9561 5811.

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence


'Bullying. No Way! Take action every day'. Friday March 15.

The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, held on the third Friday of March each year, is an opportunity for Australian schools to highlight their everyday work to counter bullying and violence.

At Wheelers Hill Secondary College, as a community,  we will be collectively supporting this cause via a range of activities commencing from Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th March. Students will participate in special activities relating to "Bullying No Way! Take action every day", during homegroup and lunch times. This work will be led by the student leaders and will be overseen by Ms Robinson (Leader of the Middle School)  and Ms McMahon (Leader of Student Voice). It is hoped that as a college we can continue to practice respectful relationships in our day to day interactions with each other. On this day students will receive a wrist band to wear in support of this initiative and staff have been wearing orange ribbons to symbolise their support of this worthy cause.

WHSC Policies

For policies implemented by the College relevant to the broader community there is a thorough ratification process overseen by the College Council. 

As each policy is assessed by Council, the final part of the process is to seek community feedback via Compass.

This process occurs throughout the year and we encourage all members of our community to read and provide feedback on these policies.

Should you have any questions regarding this process or College Council procedures, please don't hesitate to contact Andrew Dixon via the College Office or email to

Student Diaries

If students require the use of a hard copy diary to record their homework and due dates, they are encouraged to purchase a generic planner from a retailer in 2019. The College has reviewed the reintroduction of hard copy diaries and steps are underway to reintroduce these in 2020.


Mrs Judy Anderson & Mr Andrew Dixon   

Assistant Principals