Principal's message

Welcome to term 4.
Term 4 is highly anticipated by a school community. It is filled with significant life milestones and the emotions and excitements of these important endings and beginnings. For our Year 12 students this is most keenly felt. In the next two weeks they will have their final classes, last day celebrations and their Valedictory dinner before preparing for their exams that start at the end of October. Best wishes to all the Year 12 students and families at this special time.
Japan Trip
A special welcome back to the staff and students who returned from their trip to Japan and our sister school Nakamura Senior High School over the holidays. They had many memorable experiences and further strengthened the special relationship between the NSHS and MGSC. It is a custom between the schools for the Principals to exchange a gift. MGSC presented a painting of Mentone beach which was carefully carried to Nagoya by teachers Alexandra Andrianopoulos and Sam Haines. On the first day of term, I was duly presented with a gift from Nakamura, which has already been proudly put on show in the display cases in the front foyer.
Best wishes to all our students, staff and families over the coming weeks.
Linda Brown
Off Air Media has prepared another podcast in our ongoing series. The topic is STEAM with our passionate and enthusiastic students talking about the program and their devotion to science, technology and design. Listen to them by following these links:
Whooshkaa: STEAM podcast
iTunes: STEAM podcast
Art & Design Show
The annual Art & Design Show will showcase artwork from all year levels. The senior art, media and visual communication design awards, including the art acquisition prize, will be announced at the opening.
There is a public viewing on Thursday 17 October, 8am to 4pm.
An update on Bronwyn Moline
Bronwyn’s surgery went well. Her doctors are pleased with the outcome and with her progress. She is recovering well and taking things slowly. She is looking forward to being a bit more active and mobile in the coming weeks (no swimming or driving for some time though!) She greatly appreciates all the cards, flowers, meals and messages of support from the staff, students and parents. She wishes everyone all the best for term 4 and hopes to come in to visit sometime soon.