In our community

Interested in learning Italian?
The Victorian School of Languages (VSL), which operates at MGSC on Saturday mornings, is considering introducing an Italian class - subject to demand. It would be for primary and/or secondary students similar to the Chinese language classes already offered. They are seeking expressions of interest from local girls or boys to add Italian to the program. Classes would run on Saturday mornings during term. There is a nominal fee. For further information contact the Area Manager, Kon Papas at or 9558 5566 or
Coping with the dark web
Thinking about volunteering?
Kingston are holding an Information Night on Wednesday 23 October, 6pm-7.30pm at Cheltenham Library. Stanley Ave, Cheltenham. Learn about the benefits, understand the definition of volunteering, discover the rights and responsibilities of a volunteer and find out how to look for local opportunities. A light dinner will be provided. Bookings are essential.
Contact Jane Yang, Volunteer Development Officer at Kingston City Council on 9581 4905 or